U Comment I follow

This blog is part of the U Comment I follow movement in blogosphere.Means comments on this blog are made do follow and will be spidered.Unfortunately the comments field in wordpress and blogger are made NOFOLLOW by default.
This is done as a measure to reduce spam.But this has stopped link love.
U comment I follow

Do you wish to join this movement?
Goto Blogger Beta Template HTML with widgets expanded and replace

<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'>

<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl'>

And to make other bloggers know that you are part of the movement just add a U Comment I follow logo from Randa Clay Design

Update: This blog is no longer a part of the DO FOLLOW movement.. I am shutting it down due to excessive comment spam..

Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/08/u-comment-i-follow.html

My Blog Post widget for your Blog

I have created a widget that will list my blog's recent posts on your blog.
If you are using blogger you can add this widget to your blog.
This widget will list my blog's latest 5 posts on your blog.To add this widget you can use the button below
.Thanks to Beautiful Beta for helping me in making the widgets..
Once you install this widget on your blog your blogs's sidebar will show the latest posts on my blog.
So grab the widget and get a backlink from my blog.

If you are reading this in a Feed Reader the widget installer wont be displayed.So visit the actual article on the site to install the widget.
Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/09/my-blog-post-widget-for-your-blog.html

First Letter of your Blog post in Capital Letters

This hack will let you make the first letter of your blogpost in Caps like you see in my blog here..See the T is in Caps(with styling).

Wanna get this.So here is the trick

Goto Blogger Template>Edit HTML and


Now Goto Blogger Settings> Formatting and insert the following in the Post Template and save the settings.


Now whenever you try to create a post in blogger you will see <t></t> in the Create Post Box Now place the first letter of your blog post within the <t></t> tags.

Here i have placed T within the tags like <t>T</t>his hack will let you(this is how my post begins)

The result is a large Capital that stretches over 5 lines.
Thanks :Beautiful Beta
Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/09/first-letter-of-your-blog-post-in.html

Buy Me a Beer / Buy me a coffee for blogger

I got some requests about implementing the Buy me a beer / Buy me a coffee widget after each of your blog post..So i decided to write this out for you..

Goto your Blogger Template> Edit HTML and expand the widget templates..Now find

<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>

and immediately after that place the text from this file after properly editing it with your paypal email address(replace youremailaddress with the email address using which you registered at paypal)..

If you have any doubts leave a comment.. and if you like the trick then why not buy me a coffee from that link below!!??
Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/09/buy-me-bear-buy-me-coffee-for-blogger.html

Social bookmarking elements after each blog post(includes Stumbleupon,Twitter,Facebook)

Update:-Facebook Icon Added

Social Bookmarking Icons for Blogger - The social bookmarking blogger widget will add neat social bookmarking icons below each of your posts so that your readers can bookmark your posts at various social bookmarking sites like digg,stumble,magnolia,delicious,google,yahoo etc.. This is the updated version of my previous post post on the same.. in this i have added a new stumble upon button.If you use this you will get the bookmarking icons after each blog post as you see on my blog here . To get this working on your blog do the following steps..

1)Goto Blogger Template>Edit HTML back up your template and expand the widget templates..

2)Now in your template find


and just above that paste the following code

<script src='http://blogger-plugins.googlecode.com/files/bkmrk_hover.js'></script>

<style type='text/css'> .bookmark img { border: 0; padding:0px; } .bookmark a:hover { position: relative; top: 1px; left: 1px; } </style>

3)Now find

<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>

Or if that is not there then find

<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>

and place the  following code  just below any of these lines[whichever is present in your template].

<!-- Social Bookmarking Icons Start  www.bloggerplugins.org-->
<span class='bookmark'><table align='left' border='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%'><tr><td style='vertical-align:middle' valign='middle' width='30%'><div expr:id='&quot;sbtxt&quot;+data:post.id'>Bookmark this post:</div><script type='text/javascript'>showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + &quot;<data:post.id/>&quot;,0)</script></td><td><a expr:href='&quot;http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=&quot; + data:post.canonicalUrl + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,19);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='StumpleUpon' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgEmGP7cVAOMgdZzTaO2COEwaEOsTtY842PzRkbR26Bila9TvXTCNTf-XIzTj6SJd6Y9EZ9YW1wBIcMgsJndSkqPY-mSFmg3lIHaZyOOypuTXQY2TfRTq23HAIdW7y0pTVvx6QU9SWtTy0/?imgmax=800'/></a> <a expr:href='&quot;http://digg.com/submit?phase=3&amp;url=&quot; + data:post.canonicalUrl' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,1);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='DiggIt!' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhOhFUr5YrlTrcywMItbMuwtUcaEtWk5IeD5BBh63SsjknweDdDpobFY3BMsK195-PVzwHgjrCZeSo1puaf4X3uvKz-JG5GAkcvVujrkIevKLaFHHz67Ul5acX9yN5hzf89cF7Nye0F65Q/?imgmax=800'/></a> <a expr:href='&quot;http://del.icio.us/post?url=&quot; + data:post.canonicalUrl + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,2);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Del.icio.us' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgQhpQKH9cW6_YH_nFexPv5Jq7rIRe5UzglK5XT0DTWt5951pTWwCewHBeJfDjhqhA65Hb3SRwqkLzoo6VeQF6CuiS6WhrQXDbiqe2knRrVI3wzIlIDhPf5x5rQH4QlD8LTWr_br-LUfsA/?imgmax=800'/></a> <a expr:href='&quot;http://www.blinklist.com/index.php?Action=Blink/addblink.php&amp;Description=&amp;Url=&quot; + data:post.canonicalUrl + &quot;&amp;Title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,3);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Blinklist' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgL6rRRd1pFjFTgsF7sI15mkdun3s_n2qga-HDOIVpWmYSMMX9ZJ3-w7_LZ7HT7CXXzvo375Or573ZzwnRVRtb3fW1ze7Whqg7AzbMlcobPSH1pqi88YQGmiRwtWNdJK3wGPthbwiFM3fQ/?imgmax=800'/></a> <a expr:href='&quot;http://myweb2.search.yahoo.com/myresults/bookmarklet?u=&quot; + data:post.canonicalUrl + &quot;&amp;=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,4);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Yahoo' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjjK0cTViHHuqaHYRnGL6YDZxJ8j4_LcX_eKcMJiZSUI1Z5xuzpfr9GFcFKlpvavYe8k1LjJQwHkiExP-W_JdYx-T9EVg8k8kdaZCIeRGoukKG3vamyDfmcTEl1UgeLqv1NsaJhke8SHX0/?imgmax=800'/></a> <a expr:href='&quot;http://www.furl.net/storeIt.jsp?u=&quot; + data:post.canonicalUrl + &quot;&amp;t=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,8);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Furl' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgRp_jlTLXaiGUUtQjObw4KaXZ3s0OQGqRxu9Gtf3OfLYmZIM4SgQCfpusm1V3wSStcY8TZ9_wz4nJVmIhzsvbJBytFZiu8dwx5ZpiUe3xbaFtwhdcsYavfvhtln_EkWKgnwSRzW8xBSdc/?imgmax=800'/></a> <a expr:href='&quot;http://www.technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?url=&quot; + data:post.canonicalUrl' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,9);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Technorati' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjF61JsEEcSrjFhrmV0vTKcvIBG1my0k8w1qdDe59YU62m_oL7I18U_Sp4fETS8JkE5RulB89A7DuQ0PT6ruYNsZ-azjv3qy1fXSIGoDMtPpdpIyynIIp6Le1Q8uuIgSpH0N9Qbchkc2fg/?imgmax=800'/></a> <a expr:href='&quot;http://www.simpy.com/simpy/LinkAdd.do?href=&quot; + data:post.canonicalUrl + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,10);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Simpy' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhT_dC3E5BtkK3jbX7Xu0BMaDS5zGSGXy0GHnf5_j_0PPIW_GJtFJX5ZmB0oK_g97Xpa9uXbz3a6xbaHXv_-r2cDSdW5xnXcSQltUXrAn1QC3v7jBmKs5CPoWDqSALsRnO9atQ4kKgMv0w/?imgmax=800'/></a> <a expr:href='&quot;http://www.spurl.net/spurl.php?url=&quot; + data:post.canonicalUrl + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,11);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Spurl' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj4jgaliXe7460Wm4L-eVrvHeD7mJ4SIkhN-PnjjTqDYBvIdzlsQtmR5khGof40oAd0dAtjo6_HnM0UyVpnXT55zd7sknkwpoRCka3yqfB-GQ9QI8fJn5MRwKWZ6Ls1Rmp9Znun7zTxAMw/?imgmax=800'/></a> <a expr:href='&quot;http://reddit.com/submit?url=&quot; + data:post.canonicalUrl + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,17);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Reddit' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEji-oWaUs9OUe728xMibp7hXuszCPLiywL1cTVHk2umf7NrLWVQXllnkoiT8y-7jhhgm7zIkLk39YVz-2MAu0xI_SX5PVlOjfwDN8A_-gr6g-sP9i7zLK7oU3hu0EJX0oMaeR13lRaOL_Y/?imgmax=800'/></a> <a expr:href='&quot;http://www.google.com/bookmarks/mark?op=add&amp;bkmk=&quot; + data:post.canonicalUrl + &quot;&amp;title=&quot;+data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,20);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Google' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEht6IyKWOkVoR7nDvOcP2OTykpQ9uhVL4WZYE5OP2Mwx3lZZPf6aolxYOlFTYkoxzKPhAb8t-pvbSC5rO_Ku4GQc-66dkRR3XqwVAZXOxdSNxim4eI8TH_MHf7qrEGsR_S9tb3lXZ8zIcQ/?imgmax=800'/></a>
<script charset='utf-8' src='http://bit.ly/javascript-api.js?version=latest&amp;login=tweettrackjs&amp;apiKey=R_7e9987b2fd13d7e4e881f9cbb168f523' type='text/javascript'/>
<a expr:href='&quot;http://api.tweetmeme.com/share?url=&quot;+data:post.canonicalUrl' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,21);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Twitter' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiYIcOIu-t7BqC_uhiTDrYCmBkMGjHIrnw1ZDJNesHsUY63U-f4wqT5_7P3zfjDz1EQRhQjQRtOb7BNGkx1OSWFV6GBzc9UMUv3nXEQYiqmLZIg7RvicnxUS6724Fdz54LgbxT-sSKHHlg/?imgmax=800'/></a> <a expr:href='&quot;http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=&quot; + data:post.canonicalUrl' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&quot;,22);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='FaceBook' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg8f1wdIyCWo6Y-0XQ7qg5rtysxFTFn7bAvYiwQpluZ7wgeJgbo02MIXqMTIJR1Sn667ZyojWrs0LMESqHpugkvnPU8zmscAANfeElM9TMQA-9Gs5X60VzcpNJxch3TtRs1ttrZA6VeXwU/s400/fbicon.png'/></a>
<!-- Social Bookmarking Icons End www.bloggerplugins.org-->

if every thing went correctly you should get the bookmarking set on your blog..
and also some mouse over animation as you see on the icons below this post.. Now you can remove the unwanted buttons by removing the corresponding <a expr:href=....</a> tag.

You can also change the button images if you like.I am looking for some better bookmarking icons(especially for that stumbleUpon).If anybody has it please leave a comment here.

Credits to Beautiful Beta for this awesome JavaScript

Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/09/social-bookmarking-elements-after-each.html

U Comment I Follow Blogger Widget/Plugin

As you guys know the comment field of my blog is do follow..If you too have a blogger blog whose comment field is Do Follow,then let others know of this by adding the Do follow widget to your blog.If you don't know of the Do Follow movement read about it here.. If you are already having a Do Follow comment field for your blog then add the following plugin / widget to your blog

Note: Dofollow Widget is no longer available as i am not a part of it now.

Update: This blog is no longer a part of the DO FOLLOW movement.. I am shutting it down due to excessive comment spam..

Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/09/u-comment-i-follow-blogger-widgetplugin.html

Optimise Blog Title for Search engine Results and increase visitors

The Default blogger Post/Page Titles are in the Format

Blog Name: Post Name . But don't you feel that the Post Title should be given a little more importance on the Post Page? The search results including those on search engines like Google and Yahoo use these titles.So it is always better to keep your title more related to your post content.So don’t you think that it would be better if Title Starts with your Post Title and ends with your Blog Title.I do believe that it will definitely improve your Click Through Rate.

The result of applying this hack is as follows:


  1. Login to your blogger account
  2. From your Dashboard opt for Layout/ Design/Template
  3. Now choose Edit Html. You will see your template code there. In that template code find
    and replace it with
    <!-- Start www.bloggerplugins.org: Changing the Blogger Title Tag -->
    <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
    <title><data:blog.pageName/><b:if cond='data:blog.pageName'> - </b:if><data:blog.title/></title>
    <!-- End www.bloggerplugins.org: Changing the Blogger Title Tag –>

  4. Now Save the Template.
  5. After saving the template take a look at your blog post pages and your will notice the change in titles in your browser's title bar.

Search Engines do not re-index your site every day. So these changes won’t be reflected onto Google Search result pages until Google’s crawlers reach that page again.

Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/09/optimise-blog-title-for-search-engine.html

Merge Multiple RSS Feeds Into One Using Google Reader / Yahoo Pipes + Feed Burner

One of the major questions of the bloggers is that can they mix up feeds from different sources or blogs..So i thought of writing about it..you can do it in two ways via yahoo Pipes or the Google reader..I am explaining both methods here..

Google Reader...

1)Goto www.google.com/reader
2)Add the blogs or sites whose rss feeds you want to merge.
3)Now goto Settings>Subscriptions and add the feeds that you want to merge, to the same folder(Set the folder name as the name of the feed you want at the end..)
4)Now goto Settings>Tags
5)You will see a new tag whose name is your folder name
6)Make it public by clicking the image next to it..
7)Now click view public page right to your folder name
8)On the right of that page you will see a a feed that you can subscribe to..
9)Copy that feed url Its your mixed rss feed url
10)Now Burn this feed Url using feedburner and you will get the mixed up feed..

Yahoo Pipes
You can do the same via yahoo pipes also
1)Goto http://pipes.yahoo.com
2)Choose Create a Pipe
3)Now click on the + to the right of Fetch feed from the left pane
3)Add all the Feed urls you want in the fetch feed box..
4)To add more feed urls you can use the + in that box.
5)When you have finished adding all the feeds you want just click and drag your mouse from the small circle at the bottom of the Fetch feed box to the small circle at the top of the Pipe Output Box
6)Now choose save from the right top corner and save it under the feed name you want..
7)Now choose Run Pipe
8)From the More Options choose Get as Rss and copy the link of the new rss feed..
9)Now burn this Feed using Feed Burner..
Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/10/merge-multiple-rss-feeds-into-one-using.html

Drop Down Subscription Box or Widget

Everybody knows the imprtance of Rss feeds.So its better to give the readers an option to subscribe to your feeds in their favourite Rss Reader..

Here in this blog you can see a Drop Down Subscription box on the left.Here is how i implemented it..

Goto your Blogger Template>Edit Html and find

and place the following code just above it..

(it not necessary to put it exactly above body { but i mentioned it to avoid confusion.)

Now add the following widget to your blog.(The widget will work only if you have done the template edit mentioned above)

Note: If you are reading this in a Feed Reader the widget installer wont be displayed.So visit the actual article on the site to install the widget.
Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/10/drop-down-subscription-box-or-widget.html

Theme Switcher For Blogger

Theme changer or Theme switcher is a really a little complicated thing when comapared to the other hacks here..Here i introduce a theme changer for our blogger beta
  • Demo

  • Here is the method to do it
    Goto your Blogger Template>Edit Html and back up your Template by downloading it..
    Now In the Template code find


    you will notice some variable defenitions and some style defenitions below it

    copy all the data below the above code till


    and save the copied text as a text file on your desktop

    Now in the text file you will see codes like

    <Variable name="sidebarTitleBgColor" description="Sidebar Title Background Color" type="color" default="#ffd595" value="#eed595">

    This means that the variable "sidebarTitleBgColor" by default has the value #ffd595 and now you are using the value #eed595

    To use theme switcher you will have to replace each occurance of this variable by its value in the text file..

    That is you should replace all occurances of $sidebarTitleBgColor with #eed595

    Similarly all the variables(like $borderColor,$Sidebartextcolor $mainBgColoretc..) should be replaced by their values.

    Now consider the declaration of the font variables

    <Variable name="bodyFont" description="Text Font"

    type="font" default="normal normal 100% Verdana, Arial, Sans-serif;" value="normal normal 100% Verdana, Arial, Sans-serif;">

    Here the $bodyFont variable should be replaced by normal normal 100% Verdana, Arial, Sans-serif;

    Similarly all variables should be replaced by the text enclosed in its corresponding value="........" declaration..

    Now remove all the variable defenitions from the text file..

    Variable defenitions will look like this

    /* Variable definitions


    ========Defenitions here====================


    So delete every thing between /* and */

    Now your default style sheet is ready.Save this test file as default.css

    Now make another style sheet and save it as custom.css.The great thing about this script is that you don't have to make a completely new stylesheet. You only have to define those rules that are different from the default stylesheet (although you can include all the options that are the same too if you want).

    Similarly you can make as many style sheets as you want (say custom2.css,custom3.css etc).

    Now upload all of your stylesheets somewhere(maybe google pages).

    Now in your Blogger Template>Edit Html delete everything below the variable defenitions and above

    Now just below find the following code


    and replace it with
    <script src='http://bloggerplugins.org/templates/styled-denim/styleswitch.js' type='text/javascript'/>
    <link href='url of default.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

    <link href='url of custom.css' media='screen' rel='alternate stylesheet' title='custom-theme-1' type='text/css'/>
    <script type='text/javascript'>


    var formref=document.getElementById("switchform");




    (Dont Forget to replace url of default.css and custom.css with its actual urls.)

    Now some where in the sidebar add the Theme switcher Button code below.

    <form id="switchform">

    <input value="none" name="choice" onclick="chooseStyle(this.value, 60)" type="radio"/>Default Theme<br/>

    <input value="custom-theme-1" name="choice" onclick="chooseStyle(this.value, 60)" type="radio"/>Custom Theme 1

    To add more themes you should add similar link href= tags for each of your stylesheet and add the button code for each of them..

    The awesome javascript for this hack was developed by Dynamic Drive.

    If you need a template with integrated theme switcher,then you can try out my new template- Styled Denim with Theme Switcher

    If you have any doubts feel free to contact me or comment here..
    Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/10/theme-switcher-for-blogger.html

    Rate your Blogger Posts with 5 Star Ratings

    Blogger Officially has a Star Ratings Widget, but the Rating Stars provided by Blogger are too small and not so beautiful. Outbrain has come up with an alternate Rating system which can be easily added to any platforms including Blogger.

    You can see a Demo of this Ratings Widget at the Bottom of this post.

    How to Install Outbrain Star Ratings?

    Method 1

    1. Register at the Outbrain Website and Activate your account(check your email after registering)

    2. image

      Select the Recommendation Type (Text / Thumbnail) and Choose Blogger as your Platfrom. Type your blog URL , agree to the Outbrain Terms and Click the Install Button.

    3. You will be prompted to add a Widget to your Blog. Add the Widget and Get back to the Outbrain Website and navigate to My Account > Manage Blogs

    4. If your blog Claim is pending, Click on the Check Now Link


    5. Once you have Claimed your Blog, Go to Settings


    6. These are the Settings that i used


      I have disabled the Recommendations  and Disabled the “Most Popular” Gadget.

    Method 2

    You wont be able to configure the Widget and you wont be able to hide th Recommendations if you follow this Method.So Follow Method 1 :) This method with some mods can be used to position the ratings gadget and for selectively displaying it.

    1. Login to your Blogger Dashboard and go to the Edit HTML page under the Design Tab , Check the “Expand Widget Templates”  Option and locate

    <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>

    Or if that is not there then find

    <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>

    Or if that is not there then find


    and place the  following code  just below any of these lines[whichever is present in your template].

     <script language='text/javascript'> 
    var OutbrainPermaLink="<data:post.url/>";
    var OB_demoMode = false;
    var OB_Script = true;
    <script src='http://widgets.outbrain.com/OutbrainRater.js' type='text/javascript'/>

    and Save your template.

    2. Now you would be able to See the new Star Ratings Below each of your Blogger Posts

    Optional Tweak

    If you want to display the Star Ratings on the Post Page only, then Wrap the Ratings code within Conditional Tags like

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> 
    <script language='text/javascript'>
    var OutbrainPermaLink="<data:post.url/>";
    var OB_demoMode = false;
    var OB_Script = true;
    <script src='http://widgets.outbrain.com/OutbrainRater.js' type='text/javascript'/>

    Also Check out:

    1. Official Blogger Star Ratings Widget

    2. Reactions on Blogger

    Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/10/rate-your-blog-post-widget-plugin.html

    Embed a search box in Blogger Header

    This trick enables you to embed a search box or some adsense ads within the bog header.As you see here, i have embedded an adsense search box below the blog description.To use this hack first backup your template.Now Edit the Template Html as explained below after expanding the widget template.

    Find this piece of code.

    <div class='descriptionwrapper'>
    <p class='description'><span><data:description/></span></p>

    Now if you want your search box or adsense ads to appear below your Blog Description,place the adsense code just below the above code.

    Now if you want your search box or adsense ads to appear above your Blog Description,place the adsense code just above the above code.

    Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/10/embed-search-box-in-blogger-header.html

    Recent Comments Widget for Blogger

    The Recent Comments Widget for Blogger displays recent blog comments on your sidebar.You can use this widget to display the recent comments of any blogger blog.You can customize the number of comments to display in the widget, whether or not to display the post name, the comment-date, and the size of the comment(in characters). This widget might encourage your readers in leaving comments on your blog :)

    How to Install the Recent Comments Widget For Blogger

    Before installing the Recent Comments Widget, take a look at the following Settings in the Widget Installer.

    1. This should be the URL of a blogger Blog. If you are installing the Widget on the same blog then you can leave this field blank . This field is useful for those who have multiple blogs..
    2. Number of comments –  The number of comments to be displayed in the Widget
    3. Show comment date – If you want to show the comment date, then tick this option
    4. Show post title – If you want to show the title of the post on which comment has been made, then tick this option
    5. Summary  Size : If the comment is more than this size in length, then the rest of the comment will be chopped off

    Now that you are clear with the settings, click on the below button to add the Widget to your Blog.


    Add Recent Posts Widget

    Credits : This is  a slightly modified version of the Recent comment widget by Beautiful Beta

    If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this widget, feel free to comment on.

    Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/11/recent-comments-widget-plugin_25.html

    Recent Posts Widget for Blogger

    The Recent Posts Widget for blogger displays recent post titles and their summaries in your sidebar. You can customize this widget to display the recent posts of any blogger blog that you like. You can customize the number of posts to display, whether or not to display a post summary and even set the size of this summary(in number of characters).

    For Further enhancements, you can add your own CSS styling and improve the look and feel of the widget,

    How to add the Recent Posts Widget for Blogger?

    Before adding the Widget just take a look at the Widget Settings

    1. Blog URL - This should be the URL of a blogger Blog. If you are installing the Widget on the same blog then you can leave this field blank . This field is useful for those who have multiple blogs.
    2. Number of  Posts –  The number of posts to be displayed in the Widget
    3. Show post date – If you want to show the date on which the post was made, then tick this option
    4. Show summary– If you want to show  an excerpt of the post in the widget then tick this option
    5. Summary  Size – This is basically the excerpt size. Anything more than this would be chopped off.

    Now that you know about the settings, just click on the below button to add the recent posts widget to  your blog

    Add Recent Posts Widget

    The Widget will be added to your blog and you will be taken to the Page Elements Page.

    You can drag the widget to the appropriate position and save the layout

    The coding of the recent posts widget for blogger was developed by Beautiful Beta and Hackospere. A Great Thank You goes to Ramani and Hans for making this awesome widget.

    If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to comment here

    Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/11/recent-posts-widget-plugin_25.html

    Orkut Profile widget for blogs (blogger and others)

    Orkut is nowadays becoming more and more popular.So i thought of making up a new orkut profile badge widget for blogger(actually it can be used on any web page). To do this just login to your orkut account and get the following details 1)Your Profile pic Url This can be done by right clicking your profile pic and choosing copy image location 2)Your Profile Url 3)Your Scrapbook Url 4)Your Send message Url 5)Your Write Testimonial Url 6)Your Send Teaser Url Use these details in the widget creator(below) and get the widget added to your blog

    Your reviews will be most welcome..If you need anything added please leave a comment here. Preview(Note:-I havent used proper links in the preview.) Note: If you are reading this in a Feed Reader the widget installer wont be displayed.So visit the actual article on the site to install the widget.
    Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2007/12/orkut-profile-widget-for-blogs-blogger.html

    Add Blogger Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools

    I hope you do know about Google Web Master Tools. This tool enables Webmasters to provide a better and detailed information of their site to Google.This will greatly help you in your SEO needs.Webmaster Tools allows you to submit your blog's sitemap so that Google gets a better idea of your blogs structure.

    Blogger’s robots.txt file automatically specifies a sitemap URL[The blog feed], but it would be even better if you manually add the sitemap URLs to GWT.

    Wordpress and other blogging platforms have some Sitemap generator plugins for the same.If you are using blogger you can use your blog's atom.xml feed as your sitemap.

    Note:- If you have disabled Blog Feeds then enable it by going to Settings > Site Feed and change Allow Blog Feeds to Short or Full. (Don't set it to None)

    1. Login to Google Web Master Tools with your Blogger account.

    2. See if your Blog is already listed there, if it is listed and verified then click on the blog name and proceed to Step 5

    3.If its not listed, Click on the Add a site button and provide your blog URL there and hit continue.


    4.It will now ask you to verify your Blog using any of the two methods. You can use any of those. The File upload method would be simpler.

      a. File Upload Method – Change the Verification method to Upload an HTML File. Ignore the file download and upload instructions provided there. Google will automatically download and upload that file for you. So just ignore the instructions and hit the Verify button. Your blog should get verified now. If it doesn’t then opt for the  second method (b)

      b. Meta Tag Verification method. Google will provide you a Meta Tag code which looks like

    <meta name="google-site-verification" content="verificationkey" />

    Copy this Code,  login to your Blogger Dashboard navigate to Layout >Edit HTML and place this code somewhere above </head> Save the template, come back to GWT and hit the verify button.

    5. Once your blog is verified you can  add  sitemaps for your blog[From the Left Pane > Site Configuration > Sitemap].In the sitemap URL give the following URL as shown in this screenshot and click the Submit Sitemap button

    If you have more than 500 posts on your blog, then add an additional sitemap URL


    If your blog has more than 1000 posts, then add one more sitemap URL


    If it has more than 1500 posts, then add one more sitemap


    Continue this process depending upon the number of posts on your blog. So this means that you will be adding additional sitemaps for every 500 posts.

    Once you have added the Sitemap, you can play around with the different other tools in GWT. It will provide you with a better analysis your site, show you the sites linking to you, help you in managing your site links and much more.

    Source: http://www.bloggerplugins.org/2008/06/generate-sitemap-and-submit-it-to.html
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