How to Increase Website Traffic With Google+ Sparks?

      5.   By default the Public circle will be chosen which means your link will be shared live on Google+ with all users. You must also choose your custom circles to drive even more traffic by clicking the "+Add more people" link

       6.    Finally hit the green share button and you are all done!

Your posts will be shared automatically in sparks/categories according to your Post Tiltle keywords. Repeat the same process every day for all fresh content on your webpage. You must do this even for already published blog posts.

How to Remain on Top on Sparks page?

The only logical answer is that share links as much as you can. As I earlier said that only real-time updates make it to the first page. Therefore you must  Post each and every webpage link of your website regularly and do this as much as time allows you. You will find a significant change in your analytics and once you get an idea on how to use it you can expect to receive thousands of visitors per day from Google+ alone. I hope this little info proves helpful to all of you. If you have any suggestion, question or brilliant Google+ traffic tip then you are most welcomed to share it with us using the comments box below. Stay safe and be happy always. Peace out! :»


Download Facebook Template Design For Custom Tabs

Facebook IFRAME TabsUPDATE:[a href=""] Facebook Template Custom Tab2[/a] now available. 

Releasing yet another design template for Facebook Static IFRAME Custom Tabs. This new design includes one additional feature i.e. the Navigation menu. You can now add your most important links to the menu and if you wish you can even convert it into a drop down menu by reading our previous tutorials on [a href="" target="_blank"]drop down menus[/a]. The coding is kept simple so that you may easily customize the colors and fonts styles and sizes. You will need to edit the template in the Editor mode and paste this new design template code inside the source page of your [a href="" target="_blank"]woobox's HTML Editor[/a]. I will be here to help you out with any help if needed. The template is compatible with all major browsers.

[a name='more'][/a]

[a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]Live Demo[/a]

To use this template first you need to create a custom Facebook IFRAME tab by reading the tutorial below:

  • [a href="" target="_blank"]Create Facebook TABS[/a]

Download Facebook Template

Kindly submit your Email ID below to receive tons of such design goodies for free straight in your inbox:

Check you inbox and activate your feeds. Once you have activated the feeds then kindly post the same ID in the comments box below with which you subscribed. We share resources with subscribers only to keep things clean.


Find all installation guide and help in this post:

  • [a href="" target="_blank"]Installing IFRAME Templates[/a]


To edit the navigation menu Find this code,

<li><a href="#" ><span>Link 1</span></a></li>
  <li><a href="#" ><span>Link 2</span></a></li>
  <li><a href="#" ><span>Link 3</span></a></li>
  <li><a href="#" ><span>Link 4</span></a></li> 

Replace the hash(#) sign with your Page Links /URL and replace Link1, Link2, Link3 etc. with your Page Titles. If you wish to add or delete a tab then simply add or delete this line,

<li><a href="#" ><span>Link</span></a></li>

Terms of Use

All MBT resources are copyrighted content and can not be redistributed without our permission.


How To Remove or Block Someone in Google+ ?

     4.  This page enable you to [a href="" target="_blank"]invite a friend[/a], [a href="" target="_blank"]create a circle[/a], remove a friend from a circle and most importantly block a person.

     5.   Select anyone who you want to remove or block. Simply click a badge/person

     6.   Now towards the right you will find some links as shown below,

Google+ invitation page

     7.   To remove someone simply click the Remove link. If you wish to block some one then click the More Actions link and choose Block  as shown below,

Block a person in Google+

      8.   You can also select multiple people and remove or block them all with a click of a mouse.

      9. That's it!

If you needed any help just feel free to post your question in the comments box below.


Which Social Networking Buttons Should You Use On Blogs?

social-networking-buttonsWeb Traffic a word heard everywhere and to achieve it, web owners will try every possible method to push themselves to a better level. In order to achieve web traffic the simplest and most effective solution is the use of Major Social networking websites. With the rapid advancement and development of Internet, more and more bloggers and webmasters are getting addicted to social tools and services for the purpose of inorganic traffic flow. Social networks are expanding widely and every year we hear of another name. By far there are over 350 big and small social connecting sites. Just a month ago we heard of Google+ and God knows how many more will evolve in future.

[a name='more'][/a]

The question here is that which social buttons should you use in order to increase the number of your unique visitors and thereby daily page views. It really destroys readers interest when he sees too many buttons on your site, eating their internet speed with their heavy load time. Providing efficient and easy navigation to user should be our goal. If you add each and every social media buttons like Digg, reddit, delicious, Twitter, technorati, [a href="" target="_blank"]Facebook like button[/a], [a href="" target="_blank"]Facebook send button[/a], [a href="" target="_blank"]Google +1  button[/a], linkedin, stumbleupon and so on then obviously you are increasing your web [a href="" target="_blank"]blog load time[/a] discouraging both visitors and search engines. Readers enjoy fast load time and search engine robots enjoy crawling data at a faster rate. According to Google new webmaster guidelines, all websites with slow load time are penalized by Google and will be ranked low in SERP (Search Engine Result Page). So lets select the best traffic value buttons for your blogs.

Give Priority To Big Social Networks

By big I mean social networking websites with extremely high traffic and audience value. Use social buttons which have the greatest number of online registered users for example Facebook. It has around 750 Million active registered users. The probability that your visitor is a Facebook user is near to 90% so make sure you Keep Facebook at the top of your priority list. Second comes Twitter with 175 Million users.  Third comes the new social Giant though new but soon it will expand like fire and this new giant is of course Google+. Fourth comes [a href="" target="_blank"]LinkedIn[/a] with over 100 Million active users.


Social Networks That Counts Second

Now lets look at the traffic value of some other social networking sites that comes in our second priority list.

These names include Stumbleupon with 7 Million users, Digg with approximately 1 Million registers users and reddit.

Now here goes the order of priority from best to least best:

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Google+
  4. Linkedin
  5. StumbleUpon
  6. Reddit
  7. Digg

You must Keep the first 4 buttons as the main social sharing buttons on your blogs and keep others on [a href="" target="_blank"]Addthis Share button[/a] which contains over 350 social networking sites. This way you keep the load time performance of your blog high and will receive a handsome traffic in return.

What buttons do we use?

You can see Twitter, Facebook Like, Stumbleupon and Google+ buttons as our main focused buttons on MBT Blog and that is contradictory to the priority list I shared above. I have skipped Linkedin because it is mostly used by business professionals and my site does not address them therefore I have used stumbleupon instead. So you should decide yourself which buttons are more important for your blog's growth and success.

You can use the following social networking widgets for customizing your blogs:

  • [a href="" target="_blank"]Add Social Networking buttons below titles[/a]
  •  [a href="" target="_blank"]Social Networking widget below posts[/a]

I have published many widgets on social networking buttons. You can use the search box above to choose the best widget design for your blog.


MBT is Now Amongst Top 5 Blogger Tutorials Blogs

DMOZ is the largest human-edited directory of the web. With over 85,559 editors. DMOZ’s Open Directory Project (ODP) has listed more than 4.5 Million quality websites in 590,000 categories. To some extent a major portion of Google data base is based on DMOZ listings and information is often fetched from there. To find out What is DMOZ directory and how can you submit your blogs to it then kindly read this post:

  • [a href="" target="_blank"]How To Submit Blogs To DMOZ?[/a]

How To Hide Relationship Status in Google+ Plus?

You can add as many people as you want. This will allow you the freedom to choose different people within a circle or even those not using Google+ by typing their Email IDs. I just hope you find this tutorial helpful and useful. If you needed any help with regard to your Google+ privacy settings then feel free to let me know. Would be a pleasure to help you out. Stay safe. :»


Google+ Privacy: 10 Settings That You Must Know

How To Manage & Control Google+ Privacy Settings?

If you are a regular Google+ user then I will recommend that you turn of almost all options because obviously you wont need to spam your inbox with so many emails each day. You can directly read notifications on your Google+ account and find out for yourself who has mentioned you in a post, commented on your post, tagged you in a picture etc. etc.

10. How To Block or Remove a Person?

Now here comes the trouble makers. People who share sarcastic comments, posts or hateful links or videos with you. Of course the first thing that would come to your mind would be "How to block him or her?" In order to permanently block or remove a person from your circle or friend list then kindly read this post:

  • [a href="" target="_blank"]Remove or Block a Person[/a]

Add Google+ Button & Social Networking Buttons Below Post Title

  • Add [a href="" target="_blank"]Social Share Buttons[/a] To Blogger

Adding Social Networking Buttons To Blogger

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup your template
  3. Search for <data:post.body/>
  4. and just above it paste the code given below,

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

<table border='0'>

<tr> <td> <a class='twitter-share-button' data-count='horizontal' data-lang='en'  data-via='mybloggertricks' expr:data-text='data:post.title' expr:data-url='data:post.url' href='' rel='nofollow'/> <b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'> <script src='' type='text/javascript'> </script> </b:if> </td>

<td> <iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=100&amp; action=like&amp;font=arial&amp;colorscheme=light&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; margin-left:20px; width:100px; height:20px;'/> </td>

<td><div style='margin-right:25px;'> <script expr:src='&quot;;r=&quot; + data:post.url'/></div> </td>

<td><div style='margin-right:5px;'> <g:plusone expr:href='data:post.url' size='medium'/> </div> </td>

<td> <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --> <div class='addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style '> <a class='addthis_counter addthis_pill_style'/> </div> <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script type='text/javascript'> var addthis_config = { ui_cobrand: &quot;MY BLOGGER TRICKS&quot;, ui_header_color: &quot;#ffffff&quot;, ui_header_background: &quot;#0080FF&quot; } </script> <!-- AddThis Button END --></td>

</tr> </table>



Replace mybloggertricks your twitter username.

5.  Note: If you have previously added the +1 button then you may skip this step. Now search for </head> and just above it paste the following code,

<script src='' type='text/javascript'> {lang: &#39;en-US&#39;} </script>

6.   Save your template and visit your blog to see it appearing on post pages. The widget will not be visible on homepage but on post pages only. If you want to show it on homepage too then delete the highlighted yellow lines.


Have fun! :>

Feel free to ask any questions you may have.


Google+ : How To Download Photos and Videos?

Now you can simply click the white Download your data button or you can click the individual options below. The best is to download images, circles and contacts individually. Your shared videos will be in stream data so remember to download it too.

For downloading videos on Google+ remember that all videos will be uploaded on YouTube and then shared on your Google+ account. So you will need [a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]YouTube downloader[/a] to download videos shared on Google Plus.


Transfer Facebook Contacts To Google Plus - Trick!

         5.  Once you click the agree button all your yahoo contacts which includes your Facebook contacts will be added to Google+. You can now add them to circles and have fun sharing love and joy. Peace out! :>


Update Facebook Status From Google Plus!

post-on-facebook-from-google+If you have to login to both sites, Google+ for new taste of social networking and Facebook because some of us just can’t stop using Facebook and migrate to Google+ at once, then this trick is all about you! Although, Google has not yet come up with any of the G+ API that may provide a shortcut, but still we can try a work around to synchronize the Google Plus status with Facebook.

[a name='more'][/a]

Drawback: Only limited number of characters go to Facebook status, due to the email template of Google+. Therefore write short and precise one liner status on Google+ in order for it to appear on Facebook.

How To Post Status on Facebook From Google Plus?

Just follow the following simple steps…

Step 1: Go to [a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"][/a] and click the link that says: "Send my upload email to me now" . Then check your Inbox to get your personalized email address which will be used to post text, videos, and photos straight on your Facebook profile. This is something private for you, like unique id for every Facebook user. 

This Email ID will look something like this:

Step 2: Go to [a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"][/a] and then click Circles section where you can invite your friends to your G+ profile.

google circles

Step 3: [a href="" target="_blank"]Create a new circle[/a], give any name to it for example like myfacebook , click add a new person

add a new person

and then write the email address you got in step 1. Add this person to the myfacebook circle that you just created.

Step 4: You are done, now whenever you are updating your stream/status at Google+, include your myfacebook circle that contains the Facebook email by clicking the link that says "Add more people".  See below

Google+ status

Remember to check the box that says "Also email 1 person not yet using Google+"

Since your Facebook email is not using Google+ so your status will be sent to Facebook via this email.

On Facebook your status will appear like this:

Post on Facebook from google

That's all! :)

Until you get any plug-in by developers, I think this is an interesting trick that clicked my mind today and thought of sharing it. If you face any problems just let me know.

Note: Sometimes the status doesn't appear on your Facebook profile so you must try different browsers. I recommend Google Chrome.

This was a Guest Post by Umair Ahmad khan @[a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]Facebook[/a]

Customize Feedburner Chicklet Feed Count Text

feedburner readers

Choose a word that is equal to or less than 7 characters. Do not choose a long word as they will not fit in the button. Though you can edit the width but that will damage the look of the chicklet. Hope this little trick proves helpful to most of you. You are most welcomed to ask for any help if needed.

You can also create a completely custom feedburner chicklet button by reading this post:

  • [a href="" target="_blank"]Create Custom Feedburner Counter[/a]

Create a Contact Form With File Upload Option

Keep your form simple with some important fields only like Name, Website URL, Email, Age, Country, Subject and Message. The form builder looks like this,

form builder

The form builder has blue buttons at left and display at right. When you click a button on left the effect is displayed on right. Now kindly follow as I instruct for keeping things simple and for creating a simple but informative contact form.

Follow this order:

  1. Click the Name button in advance section
  2. Next click Web site
  3. Next Email
  4. Next Hidden Field. Now click the hidden field section on the right and rename it as Age
  5. Next click Hidden Filed again and rename it as Country
  6. Next click File Upload  (Optional you can leave this option if you don't want users to send you files via email)
  7. Now From the Basic section click Paragraph Text & click it to rename it as Message
  8. To make a specific form option a must to fill then simply click that row and select required as shown below

edit form fileds


Your contact form now must look something like this:


     9.   Click the Form Title and add some message there for your visitors. For example you can write :

We Love To Hear From You

Feel free to ask for any help. We will catch you back as soon as time allows

If you wish you can remove the form title by unchecking the box and deleting the description text. See below

contact form title

     10.    Now on the form settings choose Redirect URL and insert the page link of your thank you page. A thank you page is something [a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]like this[/a]

redirect contact form

You may create a separate post for this by giving it an old publishing date. Blogger users can create a Page instead of Post.    

11.  Now replace send Email by submit and align it to right as shown below:

submit button

  12.  Next click the Captcha Code at the bottom and select the none option from the left section as shown below:

remove captcha-code

This security code is often added to prevent spam but I have never used this security code and I honestly have received not even a single spam till today. Just remove it to make the contact form even more neater.

13.   Finally hit the Save Form Button and a window will appear as shown below:

save form

14.   Choose the second option and add a recipient email ID. Choose an ID that you often use so that whenever someone leave a message you may receive it straight in your inbox. You can also add more than one recipients. See below:

add recipient

Leave other options as default. Hit Save! Now choose the third option.

save contact form

15.   In Form manager Click Code


16.  Choose the HTML Only option and copy the code. Make sure to enter the URL of the page where you want to embed the contact form. See below

copy code

It is therefore better that first you create a Page on Blogger and publish it. Fetch its URL and paste it in the blank "Enter URL where form is embedded"

Now simply copy the code and paste it in your contact page. To delete the emailmeform logo from the contact form find and delete a similar code like the one below from the code you just copied.

  <div><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">Powered by</font><span style="position: relative; padding-left: 3px; bottom: -5px;"><img src=
  "" /></span><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">EMF</font> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href=""
  target="_blank"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">Forms Online</font></a>
</div><a style="line-height:20px;font-size:70%;text-decoration:none;" href="" target=
"_blank"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">Report Abuse</font></a>

Publish the page and bingo you are done! I know the steps are lengthy but the result is indeed worth it. In my coming posts you will learn how to completely customize this contact form with your own colors and styles. See our contact form as an example. I just hope you may have found today's tutorial helpful. If you need any help please do not hesitate to post your question. Have fun buddies! :)

Note: Paste the Contact Form code in Edit HTML mode only and hit the publish button on blogger Post Editor. Do not toggle to compose mode because this will collapse the form.

You may also find our previous tutorial helpful:

  • [a href="" target="_blank"]Create Contact Form[/a]

Twitter Hacked - President Barak Obama Is Dead!

[a href=""]fox news twitter hacked[/a]

[a href="" target="_blank"]Fox News[/a] twitter feed was hacked on sunday 4th July 2011 by a group called Script Kiddies . False tweets reports were published that said : "Barack Obama has just passed. The President is dead. A sad 4th of July, indeed. President Barack Obama is dead."

[a name='more'][/a]

This false tweet remained for hours on twitter servers and around half of the twitter followers started spreading the news like fire! Almost everyone was shocked and some even took it for real. Almost all tweets have been deleted the hacked account is been restored. This has raised serious questions on Twitter security for its users. However some claim that may be someone succeeded in stealing the password and then he might have published the tweets. Fox news has asked for a detailed investigation from Twitter. The Attacker group was identified by [a href="" target="_blank"]BBC NEWS[/a].

No matter whoever did this, I personally thing it is really funny of Fox news that someone accessed their secured servers and managed to steal a password. I don't know what the truth may be but this news today was shocking and funny at the same time. Let me know what do you know about this latest news.

Image credits:- screenshot by Stephen Shankland/[a href="" target="_blank"]CNET[/a]


Create & Design Custom Tabs on Facebook - Series Tutorial

Advantages of Woobox's Custom Facebook Page Tab App

Yes there will be no ads attached! No service links, banners, icons, no nothing.


I am sure with all these features anyone would enjoy creating a landing page for their website on Facebook. You can even create a complete website on Facebook with navigation and the only thing you would need is a free template design to help you to give a start to your imagination. Make sure you don't miss any part of the tutorial and subscribe now in oder to be informed via Email whenever a new tutorial part is published.

[a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"]Click here to receive Updates Via Email[/a]

Any Suggestion?

We would highly appreciate If you want to share any idea or suggest on any thing before we start the series guide. If you have any question in mind that is troubling you then feel free to start the warm tea discussion in the comments [a href="#comments" rel="nofollow"]below[/a]

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