Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 6:10 PM, May 13, 2009 said... #
@Imaran Hashmi
Glad to know a Pakistani bro visited me :D
One-4-All on 11:44 PM, June 01, 2009 said... #
hai...nice to meet you.... i like your blog.... can i ask this template style??? would you like to exchange link?
Belal on 10:26 AM, June 02, 2009 said... #
Awesome job brother Mustafa, this is Belal from New York City, I'm very proud of you, quit astonished to see your excessive knowledge in blogs. Damn, you really are a fast learner I remember 4 years haha, let me stop. Anyways, just passing through showing some love on your page. Awesome job, not even sure if you will see this since your so busy! Shoot me a email bro.
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 7:44 PM, June 02, 2009 said... #
Salam belal,
I am really flattered by your kind complements! Well web designing still not sure of :D just tweaking blogger's template and learning things through trial and error. I am really honored with your visit and expect to meet you in Pakistan soon. Love you and look forward to hear more from you. Thks for your precious comment
Regards, MOHD__
Felix Albutra - SighNetDollars on 7:54 AM, September 05, 2009 said... #
Nice bio... You really a good person buddy not just because you are a blogger but I think in reality.
I hope we could be friends. I also run a blogger tricks and tips blog but still I am on the process of learning. Like you, I am also thirsty of learning new things especially those things I love. If you don't mine you can have a view on it.
I am hoping to learn more from you in the near future. Good luck to all you blogging and tweaking efforts. God Bless!
Sincerely, Felix Albutra
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 7:46 PM, September 05, 2009 said... #
FLix I visited your blog. The articles potray your extreme knowledge about making money online using cyber space. With a little customization of your sidebar you can surely give a really neat and clear look to your blog.
Keep up the good work!
I am thankful for your encouraging comment.
mary on 2:52 AM, February 03, 2010 said... #
something what i know about are a word....
Anonymous said... #
What's Your Nationalty Brother?
Anonymous said... #
What's Your Nationalty brother?
nEo.. on 9:37 PM, June 11, 2010 said... #
Assalamualaikum. Hi,I'm your new readers from Malaysia. I'm just promote Your blog to my new post entry. Feel free to visit my blog,and maybe you can give some comment or advise,but my blog language is in Bahasa Melayu. Thanks for very great information that you give in your blog.
p/s- sorry for my poor english written.
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 1:30 AM, June 12, 2010 said... #
pal I visited your blog and thanked you for adding MBT to your preferred list. Thanks for the favour and yeh you are always welcomed here! :>
fn on 11:00 PM, June 18, 2010 said... #
hei there bro, good job. keep it up.I am a newbee in blogging.Looks like I have lots of things to learn from you. will visit your website frequently. sincerely, Faisal.
Lia Nadia Qistina on 1:16 AM, October 16, 2010 said... #
I've stumbled upon here, stunned by beautiful works of yours.
Qistina from Malaysia :)
ierayahaya on 8:41 PM, November 29, 2010 said... #
i've learn a lots from ur tutorial. Thanks for sharing the info. Nice work. keep it up.
Prince on 10:51 PM, December 11, 2010 said... #
Thanks Your Are Muslim I am Very Happy!!!
joseph said... #
thanks mohammed for all the great help :a
samsexy98 on 12:43 PM, January 12, 2011 said... #
Are you from Karachi, Sindh Asking because I see that many of my books are downloaded from this area...:)
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 10:34 PM, January 12, 2011 said... #
Thank you all! Love ya :D
Yes I am bhavesh. :)
samsexy98 on 9:11 AM, January 13, 2011 said... #
@Mohammad Got your answer :)
CB on 5:07 AM, June 10, 2011 said... #
Hey Mo, One more I just wanna say thanks for all the tips. Cheers mate.
Hari on 7:08 AM, June 10, 2011 said... #
Jalil ur Rehman on 6:59 PM, June 10, 2011 said... #
Assalam o Alaikum, Muhammad Mustafa. I am Jalil ur Rehman from Lahore, Pakistan. I am a muslim too. I also love blogging and wish to be a nice blogger like you. I have started blogging in the start of 2010 as a hobby. I am a Fan of your blog. I have subscribed your blog. Your article helped me very much in my Blogging. I have also a blog: Please visit. And don't forget to subscribe my site. I shall be very thankful to you.
I am waiting for your response.
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 8:46 PM, June 10, 2011 said... #
Thank you pal for that cheerful feedback. :>
@Hari thank you hari!
@Jalil W/Salam brother jalil, I am glad to receive your kind and generous comment. Thank you for all the love and kindness. I have visited your blogs and am really proud of you. Keep working hard and keep reading more. If you ever visited Karachi just shoot me a mail. I will make sure you are served well. More power to you pal. :>
عليم on 8:01 AM, June 13, 2011 said... #
السلام عليكم محمد
usmanmb2008 on 4:04 PM, June 28, 2011 said... #
Nice Work Brother
Admin on 10:31 PM, June 28, 2011 said... #
Hi Mohammad,
This is sunil and is my website. Look into this and lemme know how could i improve it to look much better.
$hubham on 12:39 PM, July 26, 2011 said... #
Awesome job brother Mustafa, this is shubham from india, I'm very proud of you, quit astonished to see your excessive knowledge in blogs. Anyways, just passing through showing some love on your page. Awesome job, not even sure if you will see this since your so busy! Shoot me a email bro
Anugrah Narain on 10:37 AM, July 29, 2011 said... #
hii.. Nice help me lot and provides more knowledge. Tnkx
Prime Aque on 2:22 PM, August 03, 2011 said... #
You inspired me to do more with my blog as well my friend. More power to you!
Kamran on 3:07 AM, August 11, 2011 said... #
was just surfing on internet tired of just starting analysing different blogs :D ..Glad to know you are from Pakistan and more Glad to know that your blog has a page rank 4 :)..keep it up and good luck..
Ateeb Malik on 11:52 AM, August 15, 2011 said... #
Assalam o alaikum.. Dear Muhammad Mustafa..... you r as sweet as your name ;) not buttering..really true...actually i learned alot from your i thought its necessary to apreciate your work... Thanks Alot bro for sharing such a nice blog.. Yourx Reader..Ateeb Malik 4m Pakistan,Karachi
swetha on 6:09 PM, August 17, 2011 said... #
I love your blog, it's really nice.:-)
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 8:15 PM, August 17, 2011 said... #
@shubhammehta I am so sorry that I am reading your kind and generous comment today. Thank you pal for all the love and motivation. :>
@Anugrah Thank you buddy. :>
@PRime My pleasure and I am already inspired by people like you. :)
@kamran Its my pleasure to have a country mate at the blog. Thanks for the visit. Means a lot. :>
@swetha I am honored. Thank you swetha. :>>
Faiz Muhammd Khan on 9:25 AM, August 18, 2011 said... #
wow you are Pakistani , i m proud of you!!
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 3:54 PM, August 22, 2011 said... #
@ateeb I have no words to thank you. God bless you brother. I hope we will meet soon on some tech workshop:)
@Faiz Glad to know you are too. :>
swordleaves on 5:58 PM, August 22, 2011 said... #
Nice Sir your wonderful blessings always came you in your intellectuality and health. Stay in a good faith and patience...God Bless Bro
Monk on 6:10 PM, September 01, 2011 said... #
All The very Best brother, and your tuts are so good and helping. If you have time have a look at Stumpedout as I get decent traffic these days but no clicks. You may can help me
Munazza Khan on 9:58 PM, September 07, 2011 said... #
You are so inspirational !!
Candrameda Al Ghozali on 5:20 PM, September 21, 2011 said... #
This comment has been removed by the author.
Candrameda Al Ghozali on 5:25 PM, September 21, 2011 said... #
Thanks a lot brother, I think you are from Indonesia!!!. your every article is my inspiration to build my blog and I follow your site in my dashboard profile.
Maria on 9:29 AM, September 29, 2011 said... #
A salamualikum dear brother! I'm Maria and I'm also Pakistani. I've followed your blog, facebook, twitter and google + because I'm your big fan. I'm your regular reader.
I'm also blogging about "Making Money Ideas". Besides that I've also added you to my link exchange list. Check out:
I've messaged you for link exchange request, this is again a reminder message. I hope you'll reply to me soon.
Respectfully Maria
Internet earner on 7:04 PM, October 02, 2011 said... #
Hi MOHAMMAD this is Suresh from India.I'm your greatest fan.I love the way of your blogging and the articles in the blog are very informative.I'd bookmarked your blog very long back.Keep posting bro.All the very best. Suresh
TORO on 7:16 AM, November 16, 2011 said... #
excelente tu blog.recomendado
4$4D on 2:44 PM, November 23, 2011 said... #
plz send me ur contact number or email id em also master in these things n em also a big hacker.. ur last advise is 100% true and em glad to meet with great person :D
Gagandeep Singh Kairon on 12:54 PM, November 29, 2011 said... #
Here is your Indian brother visiting you pal.....great blog...keep it up !!
Regards, theme guy (lol)
EMMANUEL F. KUMAH on 7:58 PM, November 30, 2011 said... #
amazing what you have done just within 3 years of blogging, the sky is not your limit.I am Emma from Ghana
Chetankumar Chandak on 4:06 AM, December 01, 2011 said... #
i m reading ur blog daily, and i am learning many new things..thanks
wahyu on 8:26 AM, December 15, 2011 said... #
haii.... i was read your blog. all about your writing and tutorial is very nice.. ahlan wasahlan i am from indonesia :)
Waleed Khaliqi on 12:04 PM, December 16, 2011 said... #
Sallam My dear Brother Mustafa Ahmadzai! I read your bio with interest, you really struggled to gain this position and i am really proud. you have mentioned that you currently live in Karachi Pakistan but you didn't mentioned your nationality. All Ahmadzai Family are from Kandahar of Afghanistan you should mention it in your bio let all Afghan's be proud just like me. I am asking you again plz mention it in your bio that you are from Afghanistan.
Ehsan Ullah on 11:44 PM, December 27, 2011 said... #
Hi Mustafa. I'm also a blogger like you and I really enjoyed your writing style and tutorials. you have such a great blog.
I'm also a blogger like you and I run a blog about Online News and Web Tips. visit my blog about and read my bio.
I also learned about blogging in Karachi. I lived in karachi most of my life and then moved to Afghanistan. Now I live in Kunduz, Afghanistan.
Thank you. Ehsan
श्रेष्ठ निरजो on 5:13 PM, December 30, 2011 said... #
Dear Mohammad, I used this tut in mine blog but....I din't get any idea how to hide the widgets as u mention. Plz, check in mine's blog.. About me
Ayaz on 1:36 AM, December 31, 2011 said... #
assalamualikum...I used your above code for tab menu and its workd thanx alot.. can u please tell me how to use those tab menu as drop down menu
thanx again
Jonel Mirasol on 6:12 AM, December 31, 2011 said... #
thanks man,im anewbie in blogging. with your help i now improve my blog design...i include you in my bloglist..any advice on how to improve writing skills...thank you
Assees Ahmed Dar on 12:44 AM, January 04, 2012 said... #
Assalaam-O-Alaikum Bro. MBT Is Coool. MashaAllah. I Have Learned Much More Here. I Am New Blogger Since September 2011. Newbie. I Have An Little Blog. I Know Html A Little Bit And Know I Will Try My Best To Learn Html, Xml, Css, Php, Javascript. Please Visit. AsseesTrix Http://
smart hacker on 1:23 PM, January 12, 2012 said... #
hi this is manohar i like your site and your profile......
now i am following you on google+..........
i had one website in google sites..
i need to know more tricks & tips about sites...
please try to add more...
Pankil Joshi on 1:18 AM, January 17, 2012 said... #
I have just started blogging 6 months ago at some points i feel lyk to give up, But loosers give up not fighters so, i will continue !!!!!!!!
Reply on 2:44 PM, January 26, 2012 said... #
Dear for you only my website have been ranked 4 today thanks for all your tips for me :)
श्रेष्ठ निरजो on 10:41 AM, January 29, 2012 said... #
Salam dear Mustafa broda, i m waiting your response and the suggestions about hiding widgets in "About me"'s been around 1 month from mine last comment here in this post. Yet, I'm very keen to hear from you. Plz help me out, do check About me section to correct me and I have added you in my favourite blogger hacks too.
Regards, Nirazo from Nepal.
Ateeb Malik on 10:52 PM, January 30, 2012 said... #
@Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai yeahh bro...sure inshALLAH... :)
Asif Icbal on 9:45 AM, February 04, 2012 said... #
Nice to see this blog, wonderful one. Lots of thing to learn from you. I am a newbie running a blog mainly about blog designing. Thank you for creating such an excellent informative blog.
Muhammad Hassan on 5:10 PM, February 11, 2012 said... #
Great Work. Great Blog. I am Also From Gulistan-e-Johur, Karachi. Some Of My International Friends Thinks That Pakistanis Can Not Build Any Thing In The Way Of Internet But You Are A great Example For All Peoples. I Am Also Founder EXEIdeas International. I Love Web-Designing And I Know HTML-CSS But For Blog You Did A Great Job For Me. I Have Also A Great Wings Over Internet Which Can Not Be Describe Here. I Have Nearly 5 Website, 15 Blogs, Social Media And I Also Design Others Website. My Official Website Is And In End A Special Thanks To You From My Company. AsSalam-o-AliKum.
Ansari Fahad on 10:23 PM, February 18, 2012 said... #
because of you this blog made thanks
Hamxa Wasim on 9:02 PM, February 23, 2012 said... #
Just Because Of you this blog is now Live :
hracharut on 8:49 PM, March 01, 2012 said... #
Bro your contact form dont working because i wrote here! First I want to say that I like & folow your blog Mohamed. Please help me say how I can set in my sait border how that yours? please that is important!
Master on 12:50 PM, March 04, 2012 said... #
Dear Brother Mustafa! It was a pleasure to come across your blog. I run a couple of hobby blogs and found nice tricks to make them better. I especially loved the one with pros and cons of Blogger Dynamic Template.
You can have a look at my best one at My Coolest Quotes and My Cool Cover Collection
I would appreciate if you could suggest some improvements in comments section of my blogs. I will be honoured. Keep up the good work. Allah Hafiz Cheema
Scratch and Dent Factory Appliances on 1:20 AM, March 20, 2012 said... #
Assalam-o-Alaikum Mustafa Brother, How are you? Today, I was looking for a keyword "why the pagerank of my facebook is not increasing" through google. On the first page of Google, Your blog along with a small pic of yours appeared. I checked the blog and immediately bookmarked it as lot of interesting material were there in your blog. Brother! I need some help from you, if you could. Your reply is awaited. Thanks.
Reply on 11:54 AM, March 21, 2012 said... #
Great work brother. You have awesome collection of blogger facts. I want to ask something from you, do you pay something for your domain name? From which website you have purchased( if paying ) this domain name?
Thank you, Vibhanshu (
Kushal Shah on 7:15 PM, March 30, 2012 said... #
nice blog bro..
Dissenter Khan on 9:23 PM, April 05, 2012 said... #
Salam, I am Furqan Muhammad Khan from FE in your department. I was there when you presented in FAST. From you and an earlier workshop motivated me to start doing something. I have begun a couple of weeks ago. I want to but don't get a chance to talk to you in the university. Please have a look at my start. Should I carry on?
Syed Ismail Shah on 2:19 PM, April 07, 2012 said... #
glad to hear that your a pakistani
Ajith Basnayake on 3:06 AM, April 10, 2012 said... #
good luck
Moner Sathe on 3:19 PM, April 10, 2012 said... #
hello.. sir.. Your webpage is really helpful.. I want to become a Web Designer like you.. Sir,can you help me ??
Rakesh Patil on 9:55 AM, April 23, 2012 said... #
Hello, MOHD___... I'm beginner in blogging.. Really have got great experience with your articles... I would like to thanks for give amazing information which every beginner and also for professionals can take benefit.. Here is mine beginner level blog..
Lyrics on 7:27 PM, April 24, 2012 said... #
I like your blog, most of my blogspot tweaks i learned from here, its really useful, write more and more tips and tricks thanks Mohammad
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 11:36 PM, April 28, 2012 said... #
Thank you all for the overwhelming love and feedback! All praise goes to indeed God and then you buddies. Never expected how quickly will time pass, there was a time when I Prayed to see a single comment on this blog and today I have gone so lazy that I can't find time to reply at least these lovely comments. Means a lot for me and I would always need them to keep spirits high. Thanks a bunch for this needed motivation and kind words. God bless you all. :)
Aumkar Thakur on 7:53 AM, May 12, 2012 said... #
HEY Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai I am from India i want to become author of your blog I will write for Css,jquery and html.
My Blog-
My email-""
-Aumkar Thakur
shahzad on 2:34 AM, May 16, 2012 said... #
shahzad on 2:35 AM, May 16, 2012 said... #
Mujtaba Baig on 12:12 PM, May 17, 2012 said... #
I don't have any hesitation to call you a blogging wonder boy. Much impressed by your advice to new bloggers and I am one of them. Just a month ago started my blog after facing a fiasco in running an Urdu website on investment. Following the course of never-give-up started new venture with bit planning and working hard with hoping for the best. Would be much blessed if you simply once visit my blog and give me feedback of your birds eye view. I am demanding so much from you because of your considerate advice to new bloggers like me. God bless you.
SCIENCE, Pakistan on 9:00 PM, May 23, 2012 said... #
This is me Muhammad Hasnain creator of SCIENCE, Pakistan ( Blog. I also live in Karachi. I really appreciate your work. You are doing very well man. Keep it up.........
TechCrazy on 8:03 PM, June 02, 2012 said... #
How much does your blog earn per day?
imdad ali Arain on 1:07 PM, June 03, 2012 said... #
Hasan Rasik on 10:06 PM, June 03, 2012 said... #
Assalamu Alaikum brother...Very nice and informative blog.More useful contents.I too own a blog and its name is you too visit it and give me ur valuable feedback.
Nirmal Anandh on 6:38 PM, June 04, 2012 said... #
Dear Brother,
i m from India...
After visiting your website, i became a fan of u...
Quiz Mantra on 5:39 PM, June 08, 2012 said... #
Nice blog and I learnt how to put meta description right as well as putting description for search for each post in blogger.
I would like to ask you one question that in my blog there is some gap between header and horizontal menu bar. How can i remove that? Please see
Lool Me on 5:15 AM, June 10, 2012 said... #
nice work . thid id otman, from morocco new reader ? blogger
Saqib Ameen on 7:55 AM, June 10, 2012 said... #
MashAllah :) Great Work..Keep It Up..!!
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Note: 1. To add HTML CODE in comments then please use our HTML Encoder 2. You can always Test the tutorial on our HTML Editor 3. Please do not spam Spam comments will be deleted immediately upon our review.
Regards, Mohammad
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Ian Hash ( ) on 2:12 PM, May 13, 2009
Nice one - Nice to know you are from Karachi.
keep it up
Imran Hashmi
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 6:10 PM, May 13, 2009
@Imaran Hashmi
Glad to know a Pakistani bro visited me :D
One-4-All on 11:44 PM, June 01, 2009
hai...nice to meet you.... i like your blog.... can i ask this template style??? would you like to exchange link?
Belal on 10:26 AM, June 02, 2009
Awesome job brother Mustafa, this is Belal from New York City, I'm very proud of you, quit astonished to see your excessive knowledge in blogs. Damn, you really are a fast learner I remember 4 years haha, let me stop. Anyways, just passing through showing some love on your page. Awesome job, not even sure if you will see this since your so busy! Shoot me a email bro.
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 7:44 PM, June 02, 2009
Salam belal,
I am really flattered by your kind complements!
Well web designing still not sure of :D just tweaking blogger's template and learning things through trial and error.
I am really honored with your visit and expect to meet you in Pakistan soon.
Love you and look forward to hear more from you. Thks for your precious comment
Felix Albutra - SighNetDollars on 7:54 AM, September 05, 2009
Nice bio... You really a good person buddy not just because you are a blogger but I think in reality.
I hope we could be friends. I also run a blogger tricks and tips blog but still I am on the process of learning. Like you, I am also thirsty of learning new things especially those things I love. If you don't mine you can have a view on it.
I am hoping to learn more from you in the near future. Good luck to all you blogging and tweaking efforts. God Bless!
Felix Albutra
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 7:46 PM, September 05, 2009
FLix I visited your blog. The articles potray your extreme knowledge about making money online using cyber space. With a little customization of your sidebar you can surely give a really neat and clear look to your blog.
Keep up the good work!
I am thankful for your encouraging comment.
mary on 2:52 AM, February 03, 2010
something what i know about are a word....
What's Your Nationalty Brother?
What's Your Nationalty brother?
nEo.. on 9:37 PM, June 11, 2010
Hi,I'm your new readers from Malaysia.
I'm just promote Your blog to my new post entry.
Feel free to visit my blog,and maybe you can give some comment or advise,but my blog language is in Bahasa Melayu.
Thanks for very great information that you give in your blog.
p/s- sorry for my poor english written.
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 1:30 AM, June 12, 2010
pal I visited your blog and thanked you for adding MBT to your preferred list. Thanks for the favour and yeh you are always welcomed here! :>
fn on 11:00 PM, June 18, 2010
hei there bro, good job. keep it up.I am a newbee in blogging.Looks like I have lots of things to learn from you. will visit your website frequently.
Lia Nadia Qistina on 1:16 AM, October 16, 2010
I've stumbled upon here, stunned by beautiful works of yours.
Qistina from Malaysia :)
ierayahaya on 8:41 PM, November 29, 2010
i've learn a lots from ur tutorial. Thanks for sharing the info. Nice work. keep it up.
Prince on 10:51 PM, December 11, 2010
Thanks Your Are Muslim I am Very Happy!!!
thanks mohammed for all the great help :a
samsexy98 on 12:43 PM, January 12, 2011
Are you from Karachi, Sindh
Asking because I see that many of my books are downloaded from this area...:)
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 10:34 PM, January 12, 2011
Thank you all! Love ya :D
Yes I am bhavesh. :)
samsexy98 on 9:11 AM, January 13, 2011
Got your answer :)
CB on 5:07 AM, June 10, 2011
Hey Mo,
One more I just wanna say thanks for all the tips.
Cheers mate.
Hari on 7:08 AM, June 10, 2011
Jalil ur Rehman on 6:59 PM, June 10, 2011
Assalam o Alaikum, Muhammad Mustafa. I am Jalil ur Rehman from Lahore, Pakistan. I am a muslim too. I also love blogging and wish to be a nice blogger like you. I have started blogging in the start of 2010 as a hobby. I am a Fan of your blog. I have subscribed your blog. Your article helped me very much in my Blogging. I have also a blog: Please visit. And don't forget to subscribe my site. I shall be very thankful to you.
I am waiting for your response.
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 8:46 PM, June 10, 2011
Thank you pal for that cheerful feedback. :>
thank you hari!
W/Salam brother jalil,
I am glad to receive your kind and generous comment. Thank you for all the love and kindness. I have visited your blogs and am really proud of you. Keep working hard and keep reading more. If you ever visited Karachi just shoot me a mail. I will make sure you are served well. More power to you pal. :>
عليم on 8:01 AM, June 13, 2011
السلام عليكم محمد
usmanmb2008 on 4:04 PM, June 28, 2011
Nice Work Brother
Admin on 10:31 PM, June 28, 2011
Hi Mohammad,
This is sunil and is my website. Look into this and lemme know how could i improve it to look much better.
$hubham on 12:39 PM, July 26, 2011
Awesome job brother Mustafa, this is shubham from india, I'm very proud of you, quit astonished to see your excessive knowledge in blogs. Anyways, just passing through showing some love on your page. Awesome job, not even sure if you will see this since your so busy! Shoot me a email bro
Anugrah Narain on 10:37 AM, July 29, 2011
Nice help me lot and provides more knowledge.
Prime Aque on 2:22 PM, August 03, 2011
You inspired me to do more with my blog as well my friend. More power to you!
Kamran on 3:07 AM, August 11, 2011
was just surfing on internet tired of just starting analysing different blogs :D ..Glad to know you are from Pakistan and more Glad to know that your blog has a page rank 4 :)..keep it up and good luck..
Ateeb Malik on 11:52 AM, August 15, 2011
Assalam o alaikum..
Dear Muhammad Mustafa.....
you r as sweet as your name ;)
not buttering..really true...actually i learned alot from your i thought its necessary to apreciate your work...
Thanks Alot bro for sharing such a nice blog..
Yourx Reader..Ateeb Malik 4m Pakistan,Karachi
swetha on 6:09 PM, August 17, 2011
I love your blog, it's really nice.:-)
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 8:15 PM, August 17, 2011
I am so sorry that I am reading your kind and generous comment today. Thank you pal for all the love and motivation. :>
Thank you buddy. :>
My pleasure and I am already inspired by people like you. :)
Its my pleasure to have a country mate at the blog. Thanks for the visit. Means a lot. :>
I am honored. Thank you swetha. :>>
Faiz Muhammd Khan on 9:25 AM, August 18, 2011
wow you are Pakistani , i m proud of you!!
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 3:54 PM, August 22, 2011
I have no words to thank you. God bless you brother. I hope we will meet soon on some tech workshop:)
Glad to know you are too. :>
swordleaves on 5:58 PM, August 22, 2011
Nice Sir your wonderful blessings always came you in your intellectuality and health. Stay in a good faith and patience...God Bless Bro
Monk on 6:10 PM, September 01, 2011
All The very Best brother, and your tuts are so good and helping. If you have time have a look at Stumpedout as I get decent traffic these days but no clicks. You may can help me
Munazza Khan on 9:58 PM, September 07, 2011
You are so inspirational !!
Candrameda Al Ghozali on 5:20 PM, September 21, 2011
This comment has been removed by the author.
Candrameda Al Ghozali on 5:25 PM, September 21, 2011
Thanks a lot brother, I think you are from Indonesia!!!. your every article is my inspiration to build my blog and I follow your site in my dashboard profile.
Maria on 9:29 AM, September 29, 2011
A salamualikum dear brother! I'm Maria and I'm also Pakistani. I've followed your blog, facebook, twitter and google + because I'm your big fan. I'm your regular reader.
I'm also blogging about "Making Money Ideas". Besides that I've also added you to my link exchange list. Check out:
I've messaged you for link exchange request, this is again a reminder message. I hope you'll reply to me soon.
Internet earner on 7:04 PM, October 02, 2011
Hi MOHAMMAD this is Suresh from India.I'm your greatest fan.I love the way of your blogging and the articles in the blog are very informative.I'd bookmarked your blog very long back.Keep posting bro.All the very best.
TORO on 7:16 AM, November 16, 2011
excelente tu blog.recomendado
4$4D on 2:44 PM, November 23, 2011
plz send me ur contact number or email id em also master in these things n em also a big hacker..
ur last advise is 100% true and em glad to meet with great person :D
Gagandeep Singh Kairon on 12:54 PM, November 29, 2011
Here is your Indian brother visiting you pal.....great blog...keep it up !!
Regards, theme guy (lol)
EMMANUEL F. KUMAH on 7:58 PM, November 30, 2011
amazing what you have done just within 3 years of blogging, the sky is not your limit.I am Emma from Ghana
Chetankumar Chandak on 4:06 AM, December 01, 2011
i m reading ur blog daily, and i am learning many new things..thanks
wahyu on 8:26 AM, December 15, 2011
haii.... i was read your blog. all about your writing and tutorial is very nice..
ahlan wasahlan i am from indonesia :)
Waleed Khaliqi on 12:04 PM, December 16, 2011
Sallam My dear Brother Mustafa Ahmadzai!
I read your bio with interest, you really struggled to gain this position and i am really proud. you have mentioned that you currently live in Karachi Pakistan but you didn't mentioned your nationality. All Ahmadzai Family are from Kandahar of Afghanistan you should mention it in your bio let all Afghan's be proud just like me. I am asking you again plz mention it in your bio that you are from Afghanistan.
Ehsan Ullah on 11:44 PM, December 27, 2011
Hi Mustafa.
I'm also a blogger like you and I really enjoyed your writing style and tutorials. you have such a great blog.
I'm also a blogger like you and I run a blog about Online News and Web Tips. visit my blog about and read my bio.
I also learned about blogging in Karachi. I lived in karachi most of my life and then moved to Afghanistan. Now I live in Kunduz, Afghanistan.
Thank you.
श्रेष्ठ निरजो on 5:13 PM, December 30, 2011
Dear Mohammad, I used this tut in mine blog but....I din't get any idea how to hide the widgets as u mention. Plz, check in mine's blog.. About me
Ayaz on 1:36 AM, December 31, 2011
assalamualikum...I used your above code for tab menu and its workd thanx alot.. can u please tell me how to use those tab menu as drop down menu
thanx again
Jonel Mirasol on 6:12 AM, December 31, 2011
thanks man,im anewbie in blogging. with your help i now improve my blog design...i include you in my bloglist..any advice on how to improve writing skills...thank you
Assees Ahmed Dar on 12:44 AM, January 04, 2012
Assalaam-O-Alaikum Bro. MBT Is Coool. MashaAllah. I Have Learned Much More Here. I Am New Blogger Since September 2011. Newbie. I Have An Little Blog. I Know Html A Little Bit And Know I Will Try My Best To Learn Html, Xml, Css, Php, Javascript. Please Visit.
smart hacker on 1:23 PM, January 12, 2012
hi this is manohar i like your site and your profile......
now i am following you on google+..........
i had one website in google sites..
i need to know more tricks & tips about sites...
please try to add more...
Pankil Joshi on 1:18 AM, January 17, 2012
I have just started blogging 6 months ago at some points i feel lyk to give up, But loosers give up not fighters so, i will continue !!!!!!!! on 2:44 PM, January 26, 2012
Dear for you only my website have been ranked 4 today thanks for all your tips for me :)
श्रेष्ठ निरजो on 10:41 AM, January 29, 2012
Salam dear Mustafa broda, i m waiting your response and the suggestions about hiding widgets in "About me"'s been around 1 month from mine last comment here in this post. Yet, I'm very keen to hear from you. Plz help me out, do check About me section to correct me and I have added you in my favourite blogger hacks too.
Nirazo from Nepal.
Ateeb Malik on 10:52 PM, January 30, 2012
@Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai yeahh bro...sure inshALLAH... :)
Asif Icbal on 9:45 AM, February 04, 2012
Nice to see this blog, wonderful one. Lots of thing to learn from you. I am a newbie running a blog mainly about blog designing.
Thank you for creating such an excellent informative blog.
Muhammad Hassan on 5:10 PM, February 11, 2012
Great Work.
Great Blog.
I am Also From Gulistan-e-Johur, Karachi.
Some Of My International Friends Thinks That Pakistanis Can Not Build Any Thing In The Way Of Internet But You Are A great Example For All Peoples.
I Am Also Founder EXEIdeas International.
I Love Web-Designing And I Know HTML-CSS But For Blog You Did A Great Job For Me.
I Have Also A Great Wings Over Internet Which Can Not Be Describe Here.
I Have Nearly 5 Website, 15 Blogs, Social Media And I Also Design Others Website.
My Official Website Is
And In End A Special Thanks To You From My Company.
Ansari Fahad on 10:23 PM, February 18, 2012
because of you this blog made
Hamxa Wasim on 9:02 PM, February 23, 2012
Just Because Of you this blog is now Live
hracharut on 8:49 PM, March 01, 2012
Bro your contact form dont working because i wrote here!
First I want to say that I like & folow your blog Mohamed. Please help me say how I can set in my sait border how that yours? please that is important!
Master on 12:50 PM, March 04, 2012
Dear Brother Mustafa!
It was a pleasure to come across your blog. I run a couple of hobby blogs and found nice tricks to make them better. I especially loved the one with pros and cons of Blogger Dynamic Template.
You can have a look at my best one at My Coolest Quotes
and My Cool Cover Collection
I would appreciate if you could suggest some improvements in comments section of my blogs. I will be honoured.
Keep up the good work.
Allah Hafiz
Scratch and Dent Factory Appliances on 1:20 AM, March 20, 2012
Mustafa Brother, How are you?
Today, I was looking for a keyword "why the pagerank of my facebook is not increasing" through google. On the first page of Google, Your blog along with a small pic of yours appeared. I checked the blog and immediately bookmarked it as lot of interesting material were there in your blog.
Brother! I need some help from you, if you could. Your reply is awaited. Thanks. on 11:54 AM, March 21, 2012
Great work brother. You have awesome collection of blogger facts. I want to ask something from you, do you pay something for your domain name? From which website you have purchased( if paying ) this domain name?
Thank you,
Kushal Shah on 7:15 PM, March 30, 2012
nice blog bro..
Dissenter Khan on 9:23 PM, April 05, 2012
Salam, I am Furqan Muhammad Khan from FE in your department. I was there when you presented in FAST. From you and an earlier workshop motivated me to start doing something. I have begun a couple of weeks ago. I want to but don't get a chance to talk to you in the university. Please have a look at my start. Should I carry on?
Syed Ismail Shah on 2:19 PM, April 07, 2012
glad to hear that your a pakistani
Ajith Basnayake on 3:06 AM, April 10, 2012
good luck
Moner Sathe on 3:19 PM, April 10, 2012
hello.. sir..
Your webpage is really helpful..
I want to become a Web Designer like you..
Sir,can you help me ??
Rakesh Patil on 9:55 AM, April 23, 2012
Hello, MOHD___...
I'm beginner in blogging.. Really have got great experience with your articles...
I would like to thanks for give amazing information which every beginner and also for professionals can take benefit..
Here is mine beginner level blog..
Lyrics on 7:27 PM, April 24, 2012
I like your blog, most of my blogspot tweaks i learned from here, its really useful, write more and more tips and tricks thanks Mohammad
Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai on 11:36 PM, April 28, 2012
Thank you all for the overwhelming love and feedback! All praise goes to indeed God and then you buddies. Never expected how quickly will time pass, there was a time when I Prayed to see a single comment on this blog and today I have gone so lazy that I can't find time to reply at least these lovely comments. Means a lot for me and I would always need them to keep spirits high. Thanks a bunch for this needed motivation and kind words. God bless you all. :)
Aumkar Thakur on 7:53 AM, May 12, 2012
HEY Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai I am from India i want to become author of your blog I will write for Css,jquery and html.
My Blog-
My email-""
-Aumkar Thakur
shahzad on 2:34 AM, May 16, 2012
shahzad on 2:35 AM, May 16, 2012
Mujtaba Baig on 12:12 PM, May 17, 2012
I don't have any hesitation to call you a blogging wonder boy. Much impressed by your advice to new bloggers and I am one of them. Just a month ago started my blog after facing a fiasco in running an Urdu website on investment. Following the course of never-give-up started new venture with bit planning and working hard with hoping for the best. Would be much blessed if you simply once visit my blog and give me feedback of your birds eye view. I am demanding so much from you because of your considerate advice to new bloggers like me.
God bless you.
SCIENCE, Pakistan on 9:00 PM, May 23, 2012
This is me Muhammad Hasnain creator of SCIENCE, Pakistan ( Blog.
I also live in Karachi.
I really appreciate your work. You are doing very well man.
Keep it up.........
TechCrazy on 8:03 PM, June 02, 2012
How much does your blog earn per day?
imdad ali Arain on 1:07 PM, June 03, 2012
Hasan Rasik on 10:06 PM, June 03, 2012
Assalamu Alaikum brother...Very nice and informative blog.More useful contents.I too own a blog and its name is you too visit it and give me ur valuable feedback.
Nirmal Anandh on 6:38 PM, June 04, 2012
Dear Brother,
i m from India...
After visiting your website, i became a fan of u...
Quiz Mantra on 5:39 PM, June 08, 2012
Nice blog and I learnt how to put meta description right as well as putting description for search for each post in blogger.
I would like to ask you one question that in my blog there is some gap between header and horizontal menu bar. How can i remove that?
Please see
Lool Me on 5:15 AM, June 10, 2012
nice work . thid id otman, from morocco new reader ? blogger
Saqib Ameen on 7:55 AM, June 10, 2012
MashAllah :)
Great Work..Keep It Up..!!
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