3. Simply note down the widgetID which in my case is HTML12. You widget ID is one that appears between widgetid= and &action
The Widget that you want to lock looks like this in UNLOCK mode,
You can clearly see that there are three buttons which are REMOVE, CANCEL and SAVE
Now we want to delete the REMOVE button so that the widget could only be edited but not removed.
4. Now go to Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
5. Backup your template
6. Search for your widget ID. (In my case I will search for HTML12
7. You will find a code similar to this,
<b:widget id='HTML12' locked='false' title='Subscribe Now!' type='HTML'/>
8. Now to LOCK the widget simply let locked to true
9. Save your template and Your Widget is now LOCKED.
Go to Page Elements section and you will see that your widget has no REMOVE button now.
To UNLOCK the widget back, simply repeat the same process and change locked to false
That's all! Have fun :>
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