2. CSS Usage
4. Seo Quake
6. HTML Validator
8. Web Developer
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Umair let me take the opportunity of commenting first on one of your extremely valuable post. As a web designer my self, I had never looked into the importance of these tools as much as you made it looked so simple and useful. I often wasted a lot of time troubleshooting browser compatibility issues linked to codes in the templates but never realized that how easily these errors could be solved using these brilliant tools. I personally liked it a lot and your post forced me to give you a thumbs up! Great work.
About the Guest Author:
Umair is an Undergraduate Student, pursuing his B.E Degree in Computer and Information System Engineering. He has a desire to develop IPhone and Android applications in future. You can contact him always at his [a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.facebook.com/umairkhan.cis"]Facebook[/a]
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