BroadCast Your Blogs on YouTube To Increase Traffic Significantly!

You might have observed that I simply added a background music and then started simple recording of the post. We really don’t need high quality videos for this purpose as we just want the viewer to visit our blog after having seen the video so keeping the video short and straight is what we aim for.

How To create Videos of Blog Posts and Share it on YouTube?

The method is simple. Kindly do the following,

  1. Download CamStudio Video Recorder From [a href="" target="_blank"][/a]
  2. Install CamStudio
  3. Then view the video below to know how to adjust your camStudio settings for quality recording.

     4.  After having understood the proper use of CamStudio simply jump at your Blog post and start Recording. Your Purpose is to provide the viewer with quick answer to his problem so keep the video short with following points in mind,

  • Start recording from your Blog header and then move to Post title and then move slowly till the end of your post.
  • Turn on your media player at the background while recording. This will make the video interesting.
  • After you have reached the end of your post then display a short ending message to the viewer as shown below,

Note:- You can use our image. Simply right Click it and click “Save Image as”


See the video below

   5.  Now Upload your video to YouTube using your Google Account

   6.  Keep the Video Title as your Post title

   7.  Add your Post link to the description and then finally hit Save.

   8.  View your video to see if it is working fine.


Multiply the Traffic Even Further!

Once you have created your video then it would not be very time consuming if you submit your videos to [a href="" target="_blank"]metacafe[/a] and [a href="" target="_blank"]dailymotion[/a]. This surely makes sense and has helped a lot of people in reaching a desired Traffic target. One of the biggest reasons why some people receive huge flow of traffics is the use of proper media. Digg, Stumble Upon, Delicious have helped people but personally I find them more time consuming and less effective these days (My personal opinion).

So people its time to Broadcast your blogs! Good luck! =d


Publish Several Posts Per Day To Boost Traffic!

Yes the simplest yet the most effective key to the Blogging door of Success is publishing 5-7 posts a day if you are the only author and 10-12 if there are multiple authors. The more posts published per day the better the results. 

How can Good Post Frequency Increase Blog Traffic?

Blog traffic Look around some mega blogs like [a href="" target="_blank"]Tech Crunch[/a] and [a href="" target="_blank"]Mashable[/a]. They publish several posts per day. One after each 3-5 hours. And that’s why these giants have occupied a great portion of the online traffic. But you can surely achieve that stage with better planning and time management. If you have a good friend circle then you can encourage them to write posts on your blog. After all great number of good articles is what you need to receive your desired traffic.

I have always personally observed my traffic expanding greatly when I post more and more. You might have observed that the traffic Percentage Change goes red in your Google Analytics when you don’t post and goes green again when you start posting actively.

Top 10 Reasons why you must Post Frequently!

This is how this simple yet most effective trick works:

  1. Robots visit blogs periodically depending on how often the blog is updated
  2. The faster a blog updates the faster it is crawled and indexed by Search Engines
  3. Since there is big competition amongst search engines themselves so they always look into more updated content and try their best to provide the searchers with the most up to date content
  4. By posting more your blog becomes an encyclopedia for Google where it can find variety of topics
  5. The smaller your number of posts and posting frequency, the smaller you get in the eyes of search engine robots.
  6. Robots are more like school teachers they love you when you provide them with complete homework on time and they penalize you (lower your ranking) when you turn lazy.
  7. When you post more, your readers will remain active and would often visit your blog and read your feeds. Thus you multiply Pageviews and page impressions. As a result revenue through Ads blossom.
  8. The only thing with which you can beat any competitor is by turning your blog into an Encyclopedia of your selected Topic. Remember the weakest point on a competitors side is always laziness so make his dumbness your strength and burst him with tonnes of articles and grab all his readers and traffic. That is surely legal!
  9. When you update more, your readership would increase because readers would often check back to see if you have something new to share. Subscribers mean a lot!
  10. Frequent updates when shared on Twitter and Facebook will surely expand your followers/ fans list.


How To Choose Posting Frequency For Your Blog?

Keep your Blogging goal in your mind and then decide which of the suggestions below best fits your needs:

  • For Rapid Boost Up In Traffic: Publish Several times per day to drive tremendous flow of Traffic. As a rule of thumb posting 3-5 times a day is considered best for Power Bloggers.
  • For Steady Boost Up In Traffic: Publish at least Once a Day.
  • For Slower Boost Up In Traffic: Publish 2-3 times per week. This campaign suits those who blog as a hobby and with no goals in mind. 

So which plan did you choose?

Do let me know how you find this new yet somehow very useful sharing. I would love to know which Post frequency Plan will you adopt to achieve what you always dreamt of. Peace out! :)


Make Homepage Title Appear After Post Title in Blogger


How to make Blog title appear after post title?

Simply follow these steps,

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup your template
  3. Search for


    4.   Now replace it with the code below,

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>


    5.   Done!


Now upon view your blog in search listings you will find the blog title appearing after blog post title name. Further the title position change will also occur in your browser as shown below,


I thank everyone for their prayers. I had a successful appendix operation and now I am safe and sound Alhamdulillah. Thank you buddies!


Why My Meta Description Appears in All Search Results?


   5. Save your template and you are Done!

I hope this change will greatly benefit your blogs with better search results and more targeted traffic. Questions are always welcomed. Peace out! :)


Best SEO TOOLS To Optimize Your Blog – All in One!

Need help regarding a tool?

All these tools are easy to use and user friendly. Some of you may be having several questions regarding the use of some particular tools. I would more then pleased to help you with the proper use of a tool. For details regarding any tool or if you have any SEO queries then kindly post your question in the comment box below so that I could reply your queries individually.

For Complete List Of SEO Articles Kindly visit this page,

  •  [a href="" target="_blank"]Search Engine Optimization tips and tricks[/a]

How did you find these SEO series?

Its always my aim to cover topics series wise so that related tutorials could be shared one after another for better understanding of our loyal readers. I have completed all SEO related queries regarding [a href="" target="_blank"]GOOGLE Blogger[/a] if you still have some questions in mind then feel free so to leave your precious comments. I would love to know whether I could live up to your expectation or not. I wish you best of luck with your beautiful Blogging goals in life. Take care! :)


Amazing Google Blogger Features & Look In 2011!!

blogger_podcast_01 Blogger has been the revolutionary engine in bringing a mega change in which data is written, shared and circulated online for pure educational and entertaining purposes. With every year passing this great company is coming up with brilliant new features that is taking it closer to premium blogger platforms [a href="" target="_blank"]Typepad[/a] and [a href="" target="_blank"]Wordpress[/a]. You can read [a href="" target="_blank"]Wordpress VS Blogger Comparison Chart[/a] to know the difference between the two giant blogging platforms. Ayush Chand of [a title="" href="" target="_blank"][/a] shared a fairly exciting video made by Blogger where some of the upcoming new features are disclosed. I am sure you will love to see it. So here we go!

[a name='more'][/a]

What Suggestions Do you have for the Blogger Team?

The best feedback that Blogger can receive is from you people who use it day and night. Feel free to share some of your brilliant thoughts here which could be added to the new Blogger. I can’t wait to see the changes implemented. So far what blogger has done in gifting thousands of people with an online livelihood, I must say they deserve a Thumbs up!

For giving your suggestions to Blogger kindly visit this page –> [a title="" href="" target="_blank"]productideas[/a]


My Experience of ACM-NUCES (FAST) – Developer’s Day 2011

DSC01219 After having a terrible appendix operation and a bed rest for continuous 20 days I was out of touch with everything I was addicted to i.e Blogging and extra curricular activities. And just when I got better I restarted tasting the beautiful flavors of life. On 16th March 2011, I attended a “Developer’s Day” event organized by ACM-NUCES FAST University Karachi. The event consisted of IT professionals, active and talented techy students from around the city. The event  had many competitions in which one could participate and I chose the “10 Minutes Tech Talk”. Each participant was given 10 minutes to share his brilliant tech idea with the audience and that idea was to be extra ordinary and unique enough so that it could impress the judges from software house companies.

The Start of the Day

The day turned out more interesting yet funny than I expected. I was informed just the day before the event (15th March) that I must take part in the competition. I was tired and  physically week due to my recent appendix operation and had no intention of taking part in it. Some friends insisted and they took me to the event early in the morning. I was un prepared with no power point presentation slides, no notes and no nothing. I sat almost for three hours scratching my head and looking at presentations given by some extremely talented computer engineering students. But as the event continued I managed to prepare my presentation and the topic I chose as the “IDEA” was BLOGGING :p I was almost prepared and just needed a laptop so that I could display my blog on the projector instead of any power point slides. It took me a further one hour fighting with laptop and USB bugs but then finally I somehow managed to made up my mind and was ready to give it a shot!

I started the presentation with formal greetings and then a series of interactive questions from the audience. I saw a healthy participation from all corners. I described the term “Blog” and “Blogger” and paid more focus on why should One Blog? After having shared how much have blogging helped me till now to build up a happy online livelihood and how it has helped me with my day to day expenses, university costs and gym and studies, I saw people getting more and more engaged in the topic. But then during the presentation since I was unprepared and all spontaneous, I accidently slipped off few statements on some students who presented before me and the IT professionals and these statements were unfortunately taken as criticism. My point was that students often work hard day and night to become good gentlemen. They work hard at academic levels so that they could get good jobs in future. They always live up with this growing job tension in mind and often become patients of hopelessness, frustration and depression. I encouraged the students that everyone of them is a genius and if they apply their talents wisely by blogging for instance then they will have a life time happy investment, whose revenue size will keep on multiplying and will never die. I emphasized that a Blogger is self dependent and fully financially stable and does never have to worry about whether someone hires him as an employee or not because he has his own ever expanding and flourishing Company (Traffic and i.e Revenue)!. I termed some former ideas as manipulated carried forward copy cat adopted ideas and this was what that provoked half the audience and then it was poor me and the angry audience. I personally realized that I should have been a bit softer in my tone but at least I learnt that it is really important to come Prepared when you face a huge crowd.

My Achievement?

No matter what happened in the end but I really enjoyed the entire day. It was interesting, funny but a great learning experience. I did succeed in receiving some great motivating feedback from my university mates and from other students and the best part was that just after the presentation “I received a JOB offer from [a href="" target="_blank"]jeemsolutions[/a]!”  and that's what I termed as the biggest applause! :)

Event Photos

I know after the Appendix operation I look skinny so please don’t comment on my looks =d







198859_1465497696973_1819453519_869844_7922885_n 198979_1465497336964_1819453519_869842_6211419_n


Last words:

What I did that day was to show my love for Blogger and the beautiful art of Blogging. Blogging by every definition is the rapidly expanding internet phenomena that is revolving everywhere. Its all about sharing and learning. It has helped thousands of people with a happy, friendly, social, multicultural, academic and fun life. For Bloggers Blogosphere is their only virtual world where they feel at peace, where you find nothing but love, respect and honour. Forever do we Blog and forever will we Blog! Peace out! :)


How To Add Animated Favicon In Blogger?

Here you will see many images just right click the animated one and save it to your computer.

     4. Now upload the image to your Picasa album by reading this post –> [a href="" target="_blank"]Store Animated Images in Blogger and Learn how to get Image URLs[/a]

How To Add Your Favicon To Blogger Now?

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. And Search For <b:skin> and just above it paste the code below,

<link href='ADD YOUR FAVICON LINK HERE[a href="'"]'[/a] rel='icon' type='image/gif'/>

     3.  Replace ADD YOUR FAVICON LINK HERE with the image URL of the favicon you saved in Picasa album.

     4.  Save your template and you are done!

View your blog to see it in action on the address bar and tabs. Hope you liked it! Questions are always welcomed :>>


How To Add Adsense Anywhere in Blog Posts?

Hope you liked it!

This method helps you manually add adsense wherever you want. However to make adsense appear just below post titles as you can see on my blog then you just need to paste your adsense code above <data:post.body/> in your templates. In that case you will have to first [a href="" target="_blank"]encode[/a] your adsense code.

Make it a habit of manually adding the ads in your posts just like you add tags and images to it.

I wont charge anyone for asking questions. =p


How To Create Random 468x60 AD Banners Widget?

random1 After having shared [a href="" target="_blank"]125 by 125 Random Ad Banners Widget For Blogger[/a] I hope you will love learning how to create Random 468 by 60 AD Banner widget for your websites.  468x60 Banners are as widely used as 125x125 banners. They are displayed often at the upper part portion of web blogs or other websites. I have kept the coding simple and editable. The banners will change randomly upon each page load or page refresh.  Kindly view a demo first.

[a name='more'][/a]


[a href="" target="_blank"]Live Demo[/a]


Add a Random Banner Widget To Your Blogger Blogs

To do this simply add the following code in your HTML/JavaScript Widget,

<script language="JavaScript">

images = new Array(3);

images[0] = "<a href = 'URL OF ADVERTISER' rel='nofollow' ><img src='URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-1' border='0' height='60px' width='468px' alt='AD DESCRIPTION'></a>";

images[1] = "<a href = 'URL OF ADVERTISER' rel='nofollow' ><img src='URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-2' border='0' height='60px' width='468px' alt='AD DESCRIPTION'></a>";

images[2] = "<a href = 'URL OF ADVERTISER' rel='nofollow' ><img src='URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-3' border='0' height='60px' width='468px' alt='AD DESCRIPTION'></a>";

index = Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length);





1.  Replace URL OF ADVERTISER with the website link of the advertiser

2.  Replace URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-1  and URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-2 and URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE-3 with the Image links of the Advertiser’s banners

3.  Replace AD DESCRIPTION with some information related to the Ad. The description appears on mouse hover. You can leave it blank if you wish.

Apply it and save your widget to make the magic code work in action! :>


How To Compare Websites’ Traffic?

online-marketing-graph2 I was browsing when I came across a beautiful tool created by [a href="" target="_blank"][/a] that can be used to compare website Traffics. You can use it to compare your traffic with your competitors. You can use it to see who receives more traffic: Google or Yahoo? Facebook or Myspace? Blogger or Wordpress? and so on. Further this tool gives a more detailed insight about the traffic stats of websites by comparing unique visitors, monthly visitors and yearly visitors of two or three websites for free. I just hope you will love it.

[a name='more'][/a]



Who receives more Traffic: Blogger or Wordpress?

I just compared [a href="" target="_blank"][/a] to [a href="" target="_blank"][/a] and unfortunately the results will not be that satisfying for Blogger users :p See it for your selves.



Impressive na? Still I prefer Blogger! :D


Show Guest Author Info Below Blogger Posts

Add guest-author info in blogger Due to lack of time blog authors often have to rely on Guest posters. In return we offer them with quality back links and advertisement. In order to better serve them it is important to display some info about them in a polite and attractive manner. This will encourage more and more people to write quality articles for you. We are very selective in accepting tutorials written by our readers but once the tutorial qualifies we publish their post in the best manner possible. See the example below which shows one of MBT’s Guest Author’s info ,

Update: A Dynamic version of the same widget has been published. Please visit: [a href=""]Display author Box automatically[/a]


To create this type of attractive box for your guest authors you would need to play with some  delicious CSS and HTML . So then Lets jump straight to the main part!

How To Create a Customized Author Info Box?

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML

  2. Back up your template

  3. Search for ]]></b:skin>

  4. Just above it paste the code below,

/*----------Guest Poster --------*/
.mbt-gp img {
.mbt-gp-about {
margin:0 auto;
border:#9ecfff dotted 1px;
.mbt-gp {
border-right:#93C0F9 solid 1px;
.mbt-gp-text {
width: 80%;
font:12px arial,sans-serif;

   5.    Save your template and jump to the next part of the tutorial.

How To Add The Author Info Box Below Guest Post?

Now whenever you publish a Guest post at your blog, simply switch to the Edit HTML Mode of your Blogger Editor. And drag to the bottom of the HTML codes and just at the end add the code below,

<div class="mbt-gp-about">

  <div class="mbt-gp"><img src="GUEST-AUTHOR-IMAGE-LINK" width="80" height="70" /> GUEST-AUTHOR-NAME </div>

  <div class="mbt-gp-text">

    <p><strong>About the Guest Author:</strong>




See the screenshot below to know better where to add the code,


Make sure you replace the bolded text with proper details. The image size would fit perfectly if it is 200px by 125px.

Suggestion:  To customize the colours and style of the box I recommend that you use [a href="" target="_blank"]MBT HTML Editor[/a]

You will have to add just the second code for every guest post that you publish. Once you understand on how to do it then doing it again and again would become more like a fun. I just hope you find it useful and worth trying. Take care buddies. :>

Add Floating Facebook Like and Retweet Counters To Your Websites

Since it is weekend so I thought lets  play with some CSS again. [a href="" target="_blank"]Facebook Like Button[/a] and retweet counter by [a href="" target="_blank"]tweetmeme[/a] are the two most widely used social media widgets without which you can’t call a blog a blog. Both these buttons along with [a href="" target="_blank"]Stumble Upon[/a] bookmarking button can let your readers circulate/share your tutorials and articles with their interested collegues and friends connected to them via these social networks. With a little HTML spiced with CSS we succeeded in creating a floating widget that will include these three buttons and will stay fixed at the middle lift side of your websites. The widget settings can surely be changed to align it to the right, bottom or left if you wish. You can also add more buttons to it if you wish like [a href="" target="_blank"]DIGG[/a] for instance.  See a demo first,

[a name='more'][/a]


[a href="" target="_blank"]Live Demo[/a]


How To add Floating Facebook Like, Retweet and Stumble Upon Counter to Blogger?

  1. Go To Blogger > Design
  2. Select HTML/JavaScript Widget from anywhere (Position doesn’t matter)
  3. Inside it paste the code below,

    <div style="display:scroll; position:fixed; top:40%; left:2%; border: 1px dotted #E8E8E8; padding:0px 0px 0px  5px; height:220px; width:53px ">
    <table cellpadding="1px" cellspacing="0">
    <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #E8E8E8; padding:5px 0 2px 0;"> 
    <div id='fb-root'/><script src=''/><fb:like font='' href='' layout='box_count' send='false' show_faces='false'/>

    <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #E8E8E8; padding:5px 0px;">
    <script src=""></script>

    <td style="border-bottom: 0px solid #E8E8E8; padding:5px 0 0px 0;">

<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical" data-via="mybloggertricks">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>



     4.    Simply replace mybloggertricks with your twitter username.

     5.    Save your widget and you are Done!


See your blog to find a light and beautiful widget hanging at left side of your blog. Hope you like it! :)


Why I Blog?

blogger-boy For the past two months, I've desired for just one thing, "free time"! Yeah, you got it right, I have been giving my exams but finally, they have ended. Now I'm staring at the the plenty of free time I've got and and wondering why, in the first place, I ever wanted it? I slept, read, watched movies, did shopping and everything I wanted to do but still have a lot of free time in reserve. May be this is the only thing that is "free" and in excess these days.

I would stop boring you now and come to the point straight and that is, why do I blog? and the answer is, "I don't know!". When I was a student, I used to write poems and my friends suggested I should write on a broader platform but being an introvert, I discarded the suggestion. But today, when I have nothing else to do, I decided to try my luck here i.e The Blogosphere. Talking about myself won't be a great idea so I would rather stick to the topic i.e. "Why PEOPLE blog?" The reasons, in my view, are few and simple which are as follows:

[a name='more'][/a]


1. They are bored and jobless (?)

jobless Yeah, there are some people like me who blog just because they have nothing else to do ;)




2. They want to be heard

loud speaker This,in my view,is the basic idea behind blogging. A part of us humans have always wanted to be heard when our emotions and fears go unnoticed by the fast moving world around us. We look for a way to gain attention from these so-called busy people in a way which suits them. A small appreciation to our work satisfies us a great deal and there's a feeling that we really exist.

3. Socializing experience

socializing Another advantage of blogging and online interaction is broadening of vision and making new contacts at the cost of 1k per month ( :P ) I've spent around 3-4 years writing on different forums and meeting people from all walks of life and beliefs and for me its been a great learning experience.

4. Bloggers are learners

learners No blogger would ever want any information shared on his/her blog to be challenged by a reader so bloggers are always careful while mentioning even trivial information and do a lot of research on a subject before writing about it. As a result, their knowledge increases with time and gives them another reason to get addicted to the idea of blogging.

Ps: you can show off your knowledge in front of friends and earn some wow's too ;)

5. Means of earning money

earning-money-thumb18720563 Once you've become a successful blogger,you have a very high likelihood of making good money which is the basic necessity of every human being. The best thing about earning money through this medium is that there is no age limit.You can earn at an age of 12 years and keep earning even if you're 70. So, all those people out there who have words waiting to be said, its time to speak your heart out in this cyber world even if you're just another common person like me.

This is it for now. I'll be back soon with some peculiar but golden tips on blogging. See ya around. :)

Fatima Masood Khuwaja

About the Guest Author:

Fatima is a keen learner and socializing person. She has recently completed her MBBS Degree and now a days during her leisure time she writes about her random rumblings at [a rel="nofollow" href=""]My World![/a]


Add Customized PayPal Donate Button Below Blogger Posts

How To Get the PayPal Donate Button Code?

Kindly follow these steps,

  1. Log into [a href="" target="_blank"]PayPal[/a]
  2. Click The Merchant Services Tab and then select Donate Option under Create Button



    3.  Then Fill the form with relevant details as shown below. Leave step-2 and step-3 as default.


     4. Hit Create Button

     5.  Click Remove code protection Link in order to simplify the code. Its completely safe even this way.


       6.  Copy the code and jump to the next part of the tutorial below.


How to add Customized PayPal Donate Button To [a href="" target="_blank"]Blogger[/a]?

Note:- Before adding the customized code shared below to blogger if you wish to try it on MBT HTML Editor and customize the look then its not a bad idea. :)

As usual I have tried my best to keep it simple. So here we go,

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Back up your template
  3. Check the Expand Widget Templates box
  4. Search for data:post.body
  5. Just below it paste the code below,

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

  <table border='0' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' width='590'><tbody>
        <td><div style='border:5px solid #37BD07; padding:5px 10px; margin-right:5px;'>  <br/> PASTE PAYPAL DONATE BUTTON CODE RIGHT HERE
</div> </td>

          <p align='justify'><font color='#2FAA2F'><em><strong>Respected Readers:</strong></em></font>
                  <br/><em>WRITE YOUR SHORT REQUEST MESSAGE HERE</em></p>

Replace PASTE PAYPAL DONATE BUTTON CODE RIGHT HERE with your PayPal code that you got earlier. And replace WRITE YOUR SHORT REQUEST MESSAGE HERE with something that may catch reader’s attention. You can get an idea from my request message.

  6. Save your template and visit your blog and see it hanging in action :)

How To Customize The Code?

  • To Change the width of the widget change the value width='590'
  • To Change the border size and colour change border:5px solid #37BD07

Please not that if PayPal is not available in your countries then you can use Donate button of any Online account that you may have. If you needed any help just let me know. If this tutorial helped you a little then kindly consider contributing a small donation. :)

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