Recent Comments Widget By Blogger

   6.  Click Continue

   7.  Just like Blogger's Recent Posts Feed Widget this widget also has 4 options. You can at most display 5 links, with dates, author names and you can make them to open in a new window.

recent comments

     8.  Hit Save and you are done!

If you want more control over your options and wish to add a widget provided by Feedburner then read [a href="" target="_blank"]Recent Comments[/a] Widget tutorial.


Most Viewed Posts Widget With Thumbnails by Blogger

    4.  Set your settings in this way,


  5.   Save your widget and you are done!

May be you will like these widgets too:

  • [a href="" target="_blank"]Related Posts[/a] Widget
  • [a href="" target="_blank"]Recent Comments[/a] Widget
  • [a href="" target="_blank"]Recent Posts[/a] Widget


For thumbnails to appear make sure you always add an intro image of 100px by 100px at least in your post starting paragraph. The square size will give a more clearer picture. You can make the image as big as 300px by 300px.


Change Text Selection Highlighting Color in blogs

Styling Text Highlight color In Blogger

1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML

2. and search for ]]></b:skin>

3. Right above it, paste this code:

::-moz-selection  {
Background: #EB7F17;
color: #FFFFFF;
text-shadow: none; 
::selection   {
background: #EB7F17;
color: #FFFFFF;
text-shadow: none; 


Make these changes:

  • Replace #EB7F17 with the highlight color
  • Replace #FFFFFF with the Font color. By default the font color appears white.

You can choose a color using the [a href="" target="_blank"]HexaDecimal[/a] Color Generator
Once you have entered your preferred color code, save your template, and see the difference!
Have fun blogging!



About the Guest Author:

Anims is freelance web designer and enjoys playing around with and learning coding in his free time. He likes to write about Web Technologies such as HTML, CSS and SEO.


AdSense Strict Program Policy On Misuse of IFramed Ads

adsense policy changeJust today an hour ago at Jun 10 11:55AM, the Google [a href="" target="_blank"]Adsense Program Policy Team expressed[/a] their serious concerns on the use of IFramed Ads by web owners. They also have made some changes to their program policy and I would suggest that you kindly read the new terms and conditions to keep yourself updated. Adsense marked the HTML tag iframe almost unacceptal without legal  approval from Google. They also prohibited altering the behavior, targeting, or appearance of AdSense ads without explicit approval from Adsense.

[a name='more'][/a]

This is what Adsense Program Policy mentioned at Inside AdSense Google Group today:

Improperly iframed ads are a disservice to our advertisers since the ad
itself can be obscured. Not only are they not viewable, these
implementations can lead to accidental clicks if these hidden ads are
placed in a location that users frequently click. Please see below for
an example of a partially hidden banner.
Hidden iframed ads is one form of misuse. The other is cross-domain
iframing abuse. Cross-domain iframes are used to frame content from a
different site. This type of implementation can allow other sites to
frame ads that belong to another site without the publisher’s knowledge.
As a result, we’ve modified our Ad Behavior policy to the following:
AdSense code may not be altered, nor may the standard behavior,
targeting or delivery of ads be manipulated in any way that is not
explicitly permitted by Google. This includes but is not limited to the
following: clicking Google ads may not result in a new browser window
being launched, nor may Google ads be placed in an IFRAME.
We’re aware of certain ad implementations that require the valid use of
iframes. As per our program policies, exceptions to our policies are
permitted only with authorization from Google.
With our updated language, our goal is to be more proactive about
enforcing the misuse of iframes. Iframing is not only deceptive when
improperly implemented, but it often leads to unintended behavioral
outcomes that result in policy violations, such as the double-serving
of ads. As our program policies also note, we reserve the right to
disable ad serving to sites and/or accounts that fail to comply with
these policies without permission from Google. To best adhere to our
policies and experience better targeting results, we recommend pasting
our ad code directly into the source of your web page HTML.


I request new bloggers to kindly be very careful on reading tutorials where AdSense Ad Customization is discussed. The best is that you avoid all such tricks and tutorials where AdSense Ads are personalized to suit your blog template using CSS, HTML or any other web technology. Customize your AdSense ads at AdSense Ad setup page only or in the AdSense Widget available on your Blogger Page elements.


Make Mobile Version Of Your Blogger Blogs For Mobile Devices - Surprise!


How To Show the Mobile Version Of Your Blog?

Simply follow these steps,

  1. Go To Blogger > Settings > Email & Mobile Tab
  2. Click on the option that says "Yes, on mobile devices, show the mobile version of my template"

Picture 11

    3.   Click the "Save Settings" button at the bottom and you are done!

Now Click the "Mobile Preview" button to see how your blogger blog will show up in an Iphone. Enjoy this great functionality and keep loving Blogger! :>


Hide Label Tags and Author Name In Blogger Posts

Replace URL OF Selected Post with the Link of the page where you want to hide label tags.

    6.  Just 6-7 lines below the code you search for in step#4, you will find this,


    7. Just after it paste the code below,


    8. Save your template and visit that selected page and you will see that the labels are gone.

Hiding Author Name and Date Time On Selected Pages

Inside your template search for this,

<span class='post-author vcard'>

and just below it you will find a large code slightly similar to the one shown below,

<span class='post-author vcard'>
        <b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>
          <span class='fn'><></span>

      <span class='post-timestamp'>
        <b:if cond='data:top.showTimestamp'>
        <b:if cond='data:post.url'>
          <a class='timestamp-link' expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' expr:title='data:post.timestampISO8601'><data:post.timestamp/></abbr></a>


You just need to add the following codes before and after the bolded blue lines as shown below,

<b:if cond='data:blog.url != "URL OF Selected Post"'>

<span class='post-author vcard'>
        <b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>
          <span class='fn'><></span>

      <span class='post-timestamp'>
        <b:if cond='data:top.showTimestamp'>
        <b:if cond='data:post.url'>
          <a class='timestamp-link' expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' expr:title='data:post.timestampISO8601'><data:post.timestamp/></abbr></a>



Now again you will have to replace URL OF Selected Post with your selected page link.

Save your template and say bingo!

How to hide them on more than one page?

If you want to hide the labels and date and time on another page also then just repeat the same process. For example if you want to hide them on three selected pages then do this for date and time,

<b:if cond='data:blog.url != "URL OF Selected Post -1"'>

<b:if cond='data:blog.url != "URL OF Selected Post -2"'>

<b:if cond='data:blog.url != "URL OF Selected Post -3"'>

<span class='post-author vcard'>
        <b:if cond='data:top.showAuthor'>
          <span class='fn'><></span>

      <span class='post-timestamp'>
        <b:if cond='data:top.showTimestamp'>
        <b:if cond='data:post.url'>
          <a class='timestamp-link' expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' expr:title='data:post.timestampISO8601'><data:post.timestamp/></abbr></a>




Do the same for hiding label tags as mentioned in step#4

Need help?

If you faced any problem just let me know. It would be a pleasure to help you. You will also enjoying read how to [a href="" target="_blank"]show and hide widgets[/a] in Blogger


How To Post HTML Code In Blogger Comments Form?

PS: This Post is an experiment and not a new one
While writing tutorials or asking a question, sometimes it becomes very necessary to post html and javascript codes in your blog comment forms powered by Blogger. You have seen many authors posting HTML effectively but when some of you try to do it, you get an error. This is because Blogger Comment form doesn't support direct posting of HTML and JavaScript. In order to help you to do that we will need to change/encode the same code into a text and then post it effectively without any error. The Tool below will help you to change HTML characters to simple text, which could be easily inserted in your blogger template and comment form. You can also use it to convert your adsense code into an embeddable form. It converts special characters in this way,[a name='more'][/a]
  • '<' becomes '&lt;'
  • '>' becomes '&gt;'
  • '"' (double quote) becomes '&quot;'
  • ''' (single quote) becomes '&#039;'
  • '&' becomes '&amp;'
THE HTML ENCODER: Start Converting Now!
© My Blogger Tricks

How to Create a Facebook Like Page?

You will be asked to submit your FEED URL which looks like this,

[a href=""][/a]

Submit it and you are done! Now you don't need to paste your post link each time in Facebook to update your visitors. Your Feed will automatically update them.


 6074322513670103934Fahad Uddin

About the Guest Author:

Fahad is an Undergraduate Student, pursuing his B.E Degree in Computer and Information System Engineering. He is an excellent programmer and part time blogger. He Writes at [a href="" target="_blank"]My C Snippets[/a]. You can always contact him at [a href="" target="_blank"]Facebook[/a]


Add Facebook Like Box at The Bottom Of Posts

then after replacing the back slashes with %2F it will look like this,


  •     To change the width, just adjust the value 590

5.   Save your template and you are done!

If you faced any problems just let me know. Peace and Blessings.


8 Time Management Tips for Bloggers - How Crucial it is?

1. Knowing Your Highest  Energy Level Moments

[a href=""][/a]As a human, we cannot be active all day long. There are short spans in the day when we feel most fit and active. This can vary to every individual. Some people feel more active early in the morning around 8 to 10 am. Some might find nights more refreshing and comfortable. What ever the case is with you, the point is that it is extremely important to find your peak hours through out the day.
These spans can be very effective in building the content for your blog. As a writer you should be in peace when writing at your blog. So knowing about your highest energy levels points in the day is important to be a successful and well timed managed blogger.

2. Build a Routine and Stick To It

3. Stand Up Against Any Distractions

4. Plan Your Work But Not that Much!

5. Choose a fixed place to blog

6. Learn Typing

8. Give Your Self a Reward

[a href=""][/a]Once you are done working for those two hours, give your self some reward. Why not take a round at a park, or some time at computer games, or a cup ice cream :)

Enjoy every moment of your Blogging life. Happy and healthy mind equals Best of your potentials. Hope this article could make a difference in your blogging life style.
Peace out ! =)

 hassam Hassam Ahmad Awan

About the Guest Author:

Hassam is a young A Level Student who loves to learn and share tech related stuff. He has an ambition to become a Software Engineer. He is a passionate blog author and publishes regular tutorials to newbie bloggers at [a href="" target="_blank"]BLoggingeHow[/a].

You can always keep in touch with him at [a href="" target="_blank"]@Facebook[/a]


Surprise! MBT Developed Its First Facebook HTML IFrame WebPage

Facebook Iframe TabAfter hours of trial and error and coding and coding and just coding, Alhamdulillah I succeeded in crafting and developing MBT's first Fans Welcome Page on Facebook. This was indeed one of the most enjoying designing thing I came across so far. Designing blogger templates, widgets, icons, buttons is more like a hobby now but taking a step further and branding a service and product on Facebook was a complete new experience. The Facebook application used in building this Welcome Page is called [a href="!/apps/application.php?id=190322544333196" target="_blank"]Static HTML IFrame Tabs[/a].  My coming tutorials on this are close to never shared before on any blog, forum or even the Facebook developers page and most often this is done at premium levels but[a name='more'][/a] you will be really excited to implement it to your blogs once we publish the series Guide for free. Together will we make the blogging platform even more appealing and worth exploring. Your motivation has helped me a lot in taking this step and I will need your valuable support always. I am really excited to share this unique "Facebook Welcome Page"  of MBT. So let's have a look of it:

PS: Please view it using any browser but not IE. The Page is Compatible with Mozilla, Chrome, Safari and even slightly with IE8+


[a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"]MBT Fans Welcome Page[/a]


It's 4.29 AM of night, 14th June 2011 and I am really tired to share the tutorial at this moment. I will publish series of posts on this topic with free and unique Code designs and will make sure that the coding is made as easy in implementation as possible. I would be more happy viewing your Welcome Pages with different colors and tastes. Peace and blessings. :)

Need your Feedback on this!

I will highly appreciate your precious feedback on this latest finding. Your comments mean a lot. If you have any idea you can share before we publish the tutorials then please share it openly with all of us. I would love to hear how you like it.

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